A Creative Life

When I was younger I never really considered myself creative. I had no aspirations, hadn’t even thought about writing. I wasn’t particularly good at it at school, and as an adult, being a mother and a housewife just completely took over my life.

My mother wrote poetry (something I only discovered when I found one of her old notebooks) when she was in her teens, and was also a very good dancer (she won awards for ballet). But other than that, I’ve never been around creative people. I also thought creative types were special, like you had to be born that way.

My first experience of being creative myself happened in 2007 when I did The Artists Way for the first time, it made me believe that I could actually be a creative person *shock horror gasp* and that we all are, it’s about encouraging those skills to come out πŸ™‚

Not many of us work well all the time. We have different moods at different times of the day. I’m ok in the mornings. I bounce out of bed looking forward to the day ahead (most days) whereas my husband can take ages to even be slightly coherent lol. We all have our best moments throughout the day. The times where you’re feeling physically and mentally at your best. So that’s the time when you will probably be your most creative. For me it’s definitely first thing in the morning. That first cup of tea before everyone else gets up πŸ˜‰ Whens your most creative part of the day?

As Albert Einstein said……


Are you naturally creative? Or like me, do you have to work at it?

In Other News……..

A quick thank you to Bridget…. She really made my day when she made this blog post *blush* Glad to have been of assistance hon and good luck with the rest of the book πŸ™‚

Sundays prompt (about a lie) ended up being a story about a house husband who’s wife is having an affair, and yesterday’s prompt, the face of tomorrow was about a girl who’s mother is an Oscar winning actress. Her mother wants her to be an actress, but, she isn’t prepared to give up the life and anonymity she currently has. Today’s prompt is what can be seen through the fog.

I really enjoyed doing the piece of Flash I did yesterday for part of the Writers Platform Building Campaign (see previous post) and I managed to get my “Out There’s” up to 14!!!!!! πŸ™‚

Finally, I’ve got a very exciting night to look forward to…..will tell you all about it in my next post πŸ™‚

16 thoughts on “A Creative Life

  1. I think I’m more productive from like 8-11. That’s if I don’t have a bout of insomnia then it’s around 3am to 6 or 7. I’m a little less distracted in the morning. My energy level is never amazing, but that’s when I get the most productivity for my buck. πŸ™‚


  2. My most creative time of the day is connected to place. If I’m at home on weekends it’s in the mornings when nature makes it’s way to my window as I look out, when I travel it’s on a plane, and I love to write when I’m amongst nature and people. Great post – made me reflect. πŸ™‚


  3. When I was at school they gave us Conrad’s “The Rover” to read as part of the GCE course, I hated reading wanting only to play Rugby or Cricket. Later in life I re-read that book and gradually became aware of creativity. Thank goodness we are all capable of change. I find your insights very interesting Vikki and your prompts into looking inside ourselves innovative. I just wish I could answer that question; “when are you more creative?”….at the moment I’m not!


  4. I have to say that I am always impressed each morning how you have managed to come up with another story from the prompt that has been given to you. Me I think I would still be sitting here trying to sort out the first prompt from all those months ago.

    You do inspire me, to grab out my little pen and note book and try and come up with something that might just make life a little more interesting to the next generation as they try and understand my diary lol


  5. Creativity is something that fills most of my day. Whether I’m writing, crafting, or figuring out an interesting way to teach something, I’ve decided every moment is an opportunity to be creative, (and have fun with it!).

    I’ve heard so many wonderful things about The Artist’s Way . . . one of these days I’m going to have pick that up. πŸ™‚


    • That’s a brilliant way of looking at it hon πŸ™‚

      Your journal page yesterday was beautiful!

      Oh you must!!!!! It can be hard (esp the stuff where you analyse your childhood) but well worth it IMO. It made me realise that my opinions on ‘creative’ people stemmed from my childhood and were so wrong 😦



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