This Weeks Goals 21st to 27th

I had lots of ideas about The New Zealander, but in the end I decided that he had come to find his family in the UK. After lots of struggles, problems, highs and lows, he finally finds that his birth parents are dead and that he was in fact kidnapped when he was a baby. Perhaps the happy ending could be that he either finds a sibling, or the love of his life on his journey 🙂

Yet again, I didn’t get as much as I’d like done last week. I blame my birthday lol

I had some lovely comments about my prologue from my Writing Group, but the general consensus was, why was it in first person POV? Hmmmmm lol.

So the plan for this week is…..

1. Turn the prologue back into 3rd person (again lol).

2. Try to nail chapter one, so that I have something to read out at class on Wednesday night.

3. Finish sorting out the formatting/layout of the whole thing.

4. Have another read through and work on the ending. I think I’ve worked out where I want it to go, I’ve just got to write it now, which means changing stuff in other places. So yep, I’ve been avoiding that lol.

I’m going to a “write in” with some fellow writers tomorrow morning, so that should motivate me 🙂

On Saturday, I went up to Foyles in Central London (my favourite book shop!) to spend my voucher that hubby got me for my birthday. Here’s what I brought home…..whoops! Lol


so what are your writing goals/plans this week?

24 thoughts on “This Weeks Goals 21st to 27th

  1. Looking forward to hearing your rewritten prologue and/or first chapter!
    My goals for the week are:
    1. To file three features by Wednesday and pitch other feature ideas.
    2. Keep working on my novel submission for the RNA NWS
    3. Write a synopsis and first chapter for new book idea to send to Lesley Horton at Caerleon Writers Holiday.


  2. I’ve never actually been to a write-in. I think it’s just a struggle to get myself out of the house to it. Maybe an online one might suit me better…

    As for my writing goals…

    I really should have them more structured out, shouldn’t I? My immediate goals have just been “write for two hours a day”, but I keep falling down on it. So maybe I need a more specific goal. :\


    • Oooooo, you must go to a write in, they’re so productive, and it feels kind of supportive. If you’re struggling with something you can ask the writers you’re with. I’d highly recommend it!

      I use to have goals like that, but I’m finding that if I’m more specific, they’re easier to stick to 🙂



  3. Look at all those writing books! However did you find so many of them? Go you. 🙂
    I love hearing about your goals, and it’s a great idea to show us your success at meeting them. Very inspiring.
    My goal this week, along with my ongoing revision, is to post the first three chapters in a private queue at Critique Circle. I know it doesn’t sound like much, but showing people my writing is a huge step for me. The feedback I’m getting has been incredibly helpful in taking the story in a better direction. Who knew?
    Good luck writing your ending! It sounds like a fascinating story.


    • At Foyles in London they have 2 floor to ceiling bookshelves, FULL of writing books!!!!! Lol

      I’m successful at setting goals, less successful at achieving them lol

      No, that’s a brilliant goal!!!!! Go you! Fingers and toes crossed you do it…get that brain in gear honey, I know you can do it 🙂

      Thanks hon, I’ve already had a productive day today and can knock (1) and (2) off the list 🙂



  4. I love Foyles! I spent a couple hours in there last summer. They have such an amazing array of books. I love how they stock bestellers right beside more obscure titles. 🙂

    Good luck on your goals!


  5. I love Foyles, and the way it is organised. I’m making a brief visit to the UK in a few weeks so I might have to pop up there.

    All the best for the work on your goals.


  6. I”ve finally written out my calender with my husband at my side so He’ll be my support. One was to go to the library to do some research and we both went today to that’s done. Now to read the books I got and to get the ones I put a hold on for my next project.

    The first two hours of each day is to be spent on writing and then I have other time scheduled out for social media and exercising, etc. This is only the second day but it’s working so far.


  7. Well, this is pretty much the last week in May now, so I’ve got a few things on my ‘to do list’ for May still to settle. Not all of them are writing-related, really just two of them:
    – ‘How to Revise your novel’ lessons – finish lesson 16 (on consistency checklists) and get started on 17, MAYBE finish it if I can…
    – Settle which 3 short stories I’m sending out to get workshopped in Kansas this summer, and do any editing I want to do before emailing those out.

    Good luck with your weekly goals!


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