40 thoughts on “The Artist Manifesto

  1. Pingback: The Artist Manifesto « littlewonder2

  2. Going to do my 2011-2012. Yes, should have been done months ago. Not that I’ve earned anything. I need to do something, anything, to stop me telephoning the agent that has my novel. It’s been 9 weeks Vikki. I’m going mad here. I’m doing a weekly shop daily, because I’m eating everything that isn’t… No, I’m eating everything, 24/7! I’ve been reading blogs all morning. So, it’s time to get a wriggle on! Have a productive day, Vikki.


  3. Gosh, I love Jeff Goins–his perspective on life and writing is so relatable and inspiring. I’ve seen this manifesto before, but darn it all if it isn’t worth reading every single day. And sharing with the world! “We need you to do the work and honor your call.” I’m on it!!


  4. Pingback: johndwmacdonald

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