Writing Blogger Challenge Day 6


Today’s prompt is:

Profile 4 Writing Websites / Blogs that you read regularly

Ok, this was hard lol. I read so many fantastic blogs, so if you asked me this question next week, or next month, the answer could be completely different lol. But, today, these are the 4 that spring to mind…

The Write Practice always gives me an eclectic mix of interesting posts. I have a whole folder on my email where I keep them for future reference.

Joanne Phillips is an inspiration! Since finding her blog last year I have followed her journey from writer to “Indie Author” and I’m a huge fan. This one is a must for anyone considering going down the Kindle route with their novel.

Hunters Writings just had to be on my list. Hunter Emkay (who created this challenge) always has interesting writing related posts and what I especially like is that she always includes lots of links in her posts (thanks Hunter, I think, but you don’t help with my procrastination! Lol).

And last, but definitely not least, Morgen Bailey who has so many blogs I can hardly keep up with it! 😉 Seriously, this woman wears me out just reading what she’s up to! She runs online writing groups (on FaceBook and WordPress), has critique groups, author guests, writing tips, podcasts, and manages to post her own fiction! Morgen, do you sleep? 😉 Seriously, if you’re not subscribed to at least one of her blogs, why not? 😉

Right, I think that’s it at the moment. Hope you decide to have a look at some of these.

Disclaimer: I hold no responsibility if subscribing to these blogs means you get less writing time 😉

Go on, give me a link (am I gunna regret this? Lol) direct me to a writing blog you read daily….

23 thoughts on “Writing Blogger Challenge Day 6

    • Ooooo, now there’s a question! Thanks Shakti 🙂

      I guess I enjoy blogs where I can learn something, but also (as very much is the case with Jo’s blog) I like bloggers that are honest, sharing the good times and the bad times. It makes me feel that I’m not so alone 🙂



    • Thanks Sarah, I feel honoured that you would say that! Extra helping of cake for YOU when we meet up lol

      Ahhhhh, yes, I’m subscribed to Rachelles site. Definitely another one that would be in my top 10 🙂



  1. Vikki, day#6 is like the “hump” day for your challenge !! I don’t read writer blogs every day, the you should try Writer Unboxed and Elizabeth Craig Wriging Mystery is Murder who writes mystery cozies under two names, but only does “writerly” stuff on her blog.:)


  2. Thanks for the linkback, Vikki. And blast you for introducing me to the huge blog of Morgen’s. The rest,as mentioned by yourself, and your commenters, are also read regularly by me (not everyday, but I browse quickly through any new posts in a feed reader. Kristen and Rachelle – yep,definitely. Also Joanna Penn.


    • You’re very welcome honey 🙂

      Oh wow, yes, Morgen! She wears me out!!!! She has all her fingers in so many pies. You’ll spend hours on there lol….whoops, sorry 😉

      Oh yes, Joanna Penn and her blooming pod casts lol….major interesting time suck lol

      Thanks honey xx


  3. Pingback: Writing Blogger Challenge Day 7 | The View Outside

  4. Pingback: Writing Blogger Challenge Day 8 | The View Outside

  5. Pingback: Writing Blogger Challenge Day 10 | The View Outside

  6. Pingback: 10 Day Writing Blogger Challenge: Day 2 | Write on the World

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