Reasons To Keep Blogging…Or Not…

I’m going through a moment lol. An “I’m exhausted” MOMENT 😉 Or is it just that the events of November have finally caught up with me?

And then, i came across this…

Seven Reasons to Keep Blogging appeared on the Daily Blog Tips Website and has hit my inbox at a time where i am thinking about taking some serious time out. I’m not sure the article has really had the desired effect on me lol

The reason that stood out from the list. The one that made me sit up and think was number 7…

“You’re on an Exciting Journey”

I am i am…..but isn’t the journey about doing what’s right for me?

What kinda feels right, right now, is curling up with a book on the sofa, baking, taking Alb for long walks to clear my head, chilling, and not feeling guilty that I haven’t checked FaceBook 3 times today, or answered blog comments.

So yes, I am on a journey, but I’ve started to not enjoy the ride. That’s bad isn’t it 😦 And why did I start blogging? To record my journey. Why did I continue blogging? Because I connected with some lovely people here, you guys, who I now count as friends. But life changes, your focus changes, and mine definitely has. I think I’m mentally worn out lol. The last 2 years have been absolutely manic, culminating in the last 6 months of feeling unsettled (the house move) and now that everything has come to a head I’m trying to recover. I know I must be worn out, I’m sleeping like a log every night (very odd!) and spending more time on the sofa in front of the TV than I have in years.

So I’m going to listen to my body, I’m going to step away from the iPad, FaceBook, Blogging, Twitter, the guilt, until at least the New Year. I want to feel excited again, and at the moment, I don’t. I want to make 2014 my most amazing year yet (thanks Leonie Dawson)


Will miss you guys terribly, but I hope you understand 😦 Take care xxxxx

21 thoughts on “Reasons To Keep Blogging…Or Not…

  1. When you start to get itchy fingers and need to write, when you wonder how we all are, when tv bores you and walks with Ab leave you describing your surroundings, then it’s time to come back.


  2. I understand how you feel. I battle this almost biannually and have hit upon it. I toss around leaving, but never follow through. Hopefully you do return after the new year with renewed vision. 🙂


  3. Remember that ‘The Missing’ is a two way street and that we’ll all be wondering how you are. I don’t wonder at your exhaustion but I do wonder how long you’ll stay away. Giving up twitter and especially Facebook aren’t very hard but giving up blogging….sharing your life…that’s harder.
    I hope you get the rest you need and come back to us soon and refreshed.
    Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda.Sweetie
    xxx Cwtch xxx


  4. Hi Vikki. I don’t know whether you will read this or not, but like the others, I so understand how you feel. I took July off as I had too many other things to do and was getting stressed out about not fulfilling my writing targets; December is similarly full, so I ditched my writing goals for this month too. We’ll both start 2014 raring to go. Take care, have a great Christmas and New Year – and come back fully restored. Ex


  5. Wow – that I could have written that post! I feel exactly the same. I’ve made some wonderful friends through blogging but I just don’t have enough time to keep all the balls in the air. Guilt about not finding time to write, guilt about not giving people my full attention, frustration that nobody in the house seems to take my writing as seriously as I do or actually allow me some PEACE AND QUIET, frustration at work when I’m burning to be at home writing something that’s on my mind… all the social media stuff, including blogging, has to take a back seat.I have decided. It’s all very well building a blogging network to hopefully help when we finally publish something, but if it gets in the way of actually writing that something – even if it’s only the nagging guilt that we haven’t replied to blog comments or read other people’s blogs – it just turns into something else to feel pressured about. I think you’ve made a great decision, Vikki. I’m all for listening to our bodies. Full of stress and guilt, I for one will never write anything really heartfelt or powerful. I don’t need the distraction! I’m not giving up my blog, I’m just going to blog once a month (so what’s new, LOL!) and I think I’m going to start a Haiku for the month slot as I love Haiku and it’s something interesting to blog about other than moaning on about not having enough time to write, which is what I usually do. As for FB, I already only pay it a very brief visit a day – and sometimes not at all. I’ve already abandoned Twitter! My New Year’s resolution (starting now) is definitely to simplify my life for real this time and to just write when I can. Enjoy vegging in front of the fire with a book. You’ll be feeding your soul and your brain! Hugs xxx


  6. I enjoy your posts, Vikki, but I always wondered how you managed a daily blog without running out of things to say! I like to keep my blog live but it’s mainly by hosting guests with different experiences. I only stick my two penn’orth in when I have a burning needto speak up. I think a break is a good idea. Albie thinks so too!


  7. Don’t feel guilty Vikki, this is exactly how I felt at the end of September. I’ve taken two months off from it all, only intending to take one, but I’m feeling much better for it. I’m easing myself back into everything now and feel much more refreshed and ready to tackle it again.
    Listen to your body and take as much time as you need. We’ll all still be here when you get back 🙂


  8. It’s all about priorities and the biggest one – and the one I suspect you are most likely to put to one side – is doing what’s best for you. And right now that’s resting mentally as well as physically. Enjoy your new home with your family without feeling the nag of a blogging deadline. We will be here ready and waiting when you feel it’s right to come back. Miss you!


  9. Hey Vikki, I’m sure you have our support – and I’m sure we’ll all still be here to read when you’re ready to share! No obligations to write. Write when you wish to. Write when you feel inspired. I’ve disappeared for long periods, and popped back too. And I am also thankful for those who still visit my blog 🙂 You go, girl. Take good care of yourself and we’ll start 2014 afresh together!


  10. I could also have written this post, and my heart goes out to you. I know exactly how you feel, and you are right to take a step back and focus on activities that will benefit you, your family, and most importantly your peace of mind. And your writing, of course. The thing is, you give so much to blogging – your blog is amazing – and it must be exhausting. When you return, hopefully refreshed, you could always change direction a little – make the blog work for you and not be a job of work.
    Keep in touch, honey – I’m always here if you need a moan xxx


  11. Hello Vikki, of course you must do what’s right for you. Moving house is always exhausting especially at this time of year and you need to put yourself first. We’ll all be here in the New Year. Merry Christmas. (By the way this is Rachel in disguise, a new user name).


  12. Will miss you too, but enjoy and have absolutely no guilt… 🙂 It’s a good thing to listen and truly know what you really need to do at different points in your life. I’m learning the same lesson myself. I found a good quote yesterday that I’d saved. It’s from a poem by Mary Oliver — “Tell me, what is it you plan to do; with your one wild and precious life.”


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