Must Do’s Monday 27th to 2nd June

I’ve had a hectic week, not helped by a few days of feeling rough. But I didn’t do too badly all told on the ‘To Do List’ which was…

1. Work on the synopsis for Tangled Ummm, ok, well this didn’t happen lol. I have a rough one that I did a couple of weeks ago, but it sounds like a blurb at the moment.
2. Edit first two chapters of Tangled Ok, I did the first chapter, but as I need to submit the whole novel to the RNA New Writers Scheme before the end of July I really need to step up a gear lol
3. Start planning some blog posts Done ๐Ÿ™‚
4. Start going to the gym Didn’t happen, but as The Hubster’s chess is winding down now we’ve agreed to start going next week.
5. Plan my week every Sunday Yep, did that last week and used my new Paperchase pad. Really useful having my whole week on one sheet divided into AM’s and PM’s. I’ll be doing next weeks one after I finish this post.
6. Do at least 1 writing exercise every day Ahhhh, now this has been great, I’ve really enjoyed it! And at the moment I’m using Natalie Goldberg’s Wild Mind ๐Ÿ™‚

So next weeks another busy one, but I’m looking forward to writing (thank gawd!). I’ve got a couple of opportunities for writing in coffee shops and then there’s Happy Club. The sun has been shining today and I’m feeling pretty goddam good ๐Ÿ™‚


I’m loving filling in my ‘Experiences’ book, but I think I need to carry it around with me because I keep remembering things when I’m out and forgetting them by the time I get home lol.



What are your plans for the week?

27 thoughts on “Must Do’s Monday 27th to 2nd June

  1. You are one very organised lady! I have been feeling as though I’m on rollerskates whizzing through my life for the past few weeks. Sometimes I put out a hand and grasp something hard enough to slow down, but mostly I just shut my eyes and hurtle along! This week is half term so I plan to write a new story for submission to Woman’s Weekly and keep writing the novel. Also catching up with old friends and I have both kids at home, so I might end up back on those rollerskates! Enjoy your week!


    • Ha ha ha, I’m not Linda, I promise you! Without these lists NOTHING gets done lol

      Awwwww, honey….I know what you mean….my 2 week break just whizzed by ๐Ÿ˜ฆ The older I’m getting the faster it seems to go lol.

      Ooooo, good luck honey! Have you had luck with WW before? I only submitted once but got a rejection lol



  2. Spending the next couple of days with my historian/ author friend from Malvern….it’s sort of work as we are creating a storyboard re my Doctor Marsden for the local museum. Will also be eating and drinking and chatting about life and literary matters in general. Wish I was as organised as you Vikki!


  3. Wow, as busy as always and I love the pictures you show us of your note books. There’re very cool. Glad to see you’re looking forward to writing again. How did your two weeks off go?


    • Thanks Debbie ๐Ÿ™‚

      My 2 weeks off were really nice, but just flew by….I did miss blogging though, but didn’t miss writing. I think I got stuck in a rut, not writing, so didn’t want to write, if that’s makes sense lol



  4. I’ve just decided to write a thousand words a day or 5 a week. It’s hard work trying to keep to goals but they are what keep us moving in the direction we want. Have a great week!


    • I know, I saw Rebecca! GOOD luck honey, but you don’t need luck *rolls eyes* you’ll sail through ๐Ÿ™‚

      Oh definitely! I feel so unfocused if I don’t have one!

      Thanks honey, you too! Will be looking out for your progress reports ๐Ÿ™‚



  5. I’ve so missed these posts! Seems like quite a few of us writers have been under the weather lately: but with a bit or rest and support I’m sure we’ll be back on track in no time.
    Btw – would love to hear your plans for how you are approaching the edit on Tangled!
    Take Care, good luck with the week! x


    • Awwww, thanks Cat and more (((((hugs)))) I hope you’re doing ok now honey ๐Ÿ™‚

      Oh yes, I can HIGHLY recommend the rest! Those 2 weeks off were just what I needed.

      Ahhhh, yes, Tangled…..I’ll report back on that soon I promise ๐Ÿ™‚



  6. This week, I’m finally going to get back to my first draft story. I’ve been so busy revising the other one (THAT revision … the one that never ends) that I haven’t had time to write new words. Ideally, I like to do a little of both drafting and revision as part of my writing routine. That doesn’t always happen!
    Thanks for the link on Wild Mind. I love Natalie Goldberg! She really seems to get where this writing compulsion comes from. ๐Ÿ™‚


    • Ha ha ha, it seems we’re doing the same then Kirsten! I’m just so stressed out about ‘Still’ that I’ve given up with it for the time being….I’m just so sick of rewriting the damn thing! At least ‘Tangled’ only needs editing as the structure is fine lol.

      Good luck honey! Sometimes it just pays to step away for a bit ๐Ÿ™‚

      I LOVE Natalie Goldberg and Julia Cameron….their my top motivational women!

      Have a good week honey xx


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