Reasons To Keep Blogging…Or Not…

I’m going through a moment lol. An “I’m exhausted” MOMENT 😉 Or is it just that the events of November have finally caught up with me?

And then, i came across this…

Seven Reasons to Keep Blogging appeared on the Daily Blog Tips Website and has hit my inbox at a time where i am thinking about taking some serious time out. I’m not sure the article has really had the desired effect on me lol

The reason that stood out from the list. The one that made me sit up and think was number 7…

“You’re on an Exciting Journey”

I am i am…..but isn’t the journey about doing what’s right for me?

What kinda feels right, right now, is curling up with a book on the sofa, baking, taking Alb for long walks to clear my head, chilling, and not feeling guilty that I haven’t checked FaceBook 3 times today, or answered blog comments.

So yes, I am on a journey, but I’ve started to not enjoy the ride. That’s bad isn’t it 😦 And why did I start blogging? To record my journey. Why did I continue blogging? Because I connected with some lovely people here, you guys, who I now count as friends. But life changes, your focus changes, and mine definitely has. I think I’m mentally worn out lol. The last 2 years have been absolutely manic, culminating in the last 6 months of feeling unsettled (the house move) and now that everything has come to a head I’m trying to recover. I know I must be worn out, I’m sleeping like a log every night (very odd!) and spending more time on the sofa in front of the TV than I have in years.

So I’m going to listen to my body, I’m going to step away from the iPad, FaceBook, Blogging, Twitter, the guilt, until at least the New Year. I want to feel excited again, and at the moment, I don’t. I want to make 2014 my most amazing year yet (thanks Leonie Dawson)


Will miss you guys terribly, but I hope you understand 😦 Take care xxxxx

My Dream Home

Prompt 13 of the 30 Day Writing Challenge is:

Describe your dream home as if you are living in it now.

Every morning I am woken by the sun casting its rays across the floor and ceiling of my bedroom. With each season the light changes, but the sqwarking of the seagulls is constant…

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Insecure Writers Support Day -December 13


Today is IWSG Day, the last of 2013 and the only month I missed was November 😦

So what am I insecure about this month?…

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Where Do I Start?…


Its been a while hasn’t it 🙂

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