Does Your WIP Need A Bible?

One of my favourite bloggers, Hunter over at Hunters Writings recently included a link in one of her posts to a very interesting article:

Making A Writing Bible is an article that appeared on The Write Thing’s web site.
Edited to add: This link appears to be down 😦

Hunter has also been talking about The Novel Journal

So that’s what I’ve been working on, in preparation for Nano, my WIP Bible 🙂


I’ve decided to use a notebook rather than my Netbook as I can add things as and when I think of them. Even carry it around in my bag if inspiration strikes.

So, I’ve got the hero (although he’s changed a bit since you last heard about him….thank you for all your comments and suggestions!!!!). His name is now Daminano Moretti 😉 harry is still knocking about, and I’m sure i’ll find a use for him later 😉 Kate Walker suggested that we find a photo of what we envisage our hero to look like. So after some extensive Googling I have a couple of pics!

Then this section is for notes on my heroine, who is still Kate 🙂 I’ve also found a couple of pics of what I imagine her to look like.

I have a section for the minor characters. There won’t be many, as, in a Mills & Boon, its all about the hero and heroine.

The setting…..ahhhhh…. *day dreams wistfully* It’s Sorrento in Italy. So I’m collecting pics and info.

Chapter breakdown is a suggestion made by Sharon Kendrick at Swanwick. Because Mills & Boon books generally have a pattern, it’s a good idea to have an outline of where things need to happen, such as “the black moment” and that way you know where you are 😉

Notes and ideas is basically the section for everything else….title ideas, ideas for scenes, back story etc…..

I’ve never worked like this before (I was a pantster lol) but I can really see the benefits. And now, I have 2 whole months to collect all the info I need before I actually start writing on the 1st November! And I have to say….I’m loving it! 😉

Have you ever created a WIP Bible? And if not, would you consider it?

Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves

A HUGE thank you to Heidi at The Teenage Writer and Cheryl at Creative Muse 365 for both nominating me for the Sisterhood Of The World Blogger Award 🙂

I am honoured and soooo chuffed 🙂 I love getting awards, especially ones I’ve never received before. It’s nice to know people enjoy my posts 😉

Sooooo, now for the rules…..Like most of these awards it’s a case of passing it on and listing some stuff you don’t know about me. Is there anything you don’t know about me? Really? Are you not bored yet? Lol 😉

Seriously, as I’m a rule breaker, let’s mix this up a bit….. 7 questions….you guys tell me what you want to know. So I’ll answer the first 7 questions in the comments ok.

Now, for the nominee’s……..I’m going to pass this one on to my top commenters 🙂

LouAnnn at On The Homefront And Beyond
CC at Honesty
C B Wentworth
Robin Coyle
Kirsten at Write A Book With Me

And lastly Elliott at Brain Splats who is officially on my list, but, of course, he’s not a girly *snigger* Elliot, please feel free to consider yourself nominated for the “Sisterhood” award, but I won’t embarrass you by splashing it all over your blog, unless you’d like me to? 😉

Ok, over to you guys *bites finger nails nervously* 7 questions……???????

Character interviews

Laura Pfundt was talking the other day about interviewing characters, then Chris Stocking posted about interviewing his characters.

It’s so important to get to know your characters fully, and a quick Google search will pull up various forms of questionnaires that you can use to get to know your characters better. But, my absolute favourite way to get to know my characters is by using Manon Eileen’s Character Survey 🙂 Another good one is listed on the Writers Write Creative Blog

Kirsten at Write A Book With Me takes her characters out for a cup of coffee. I LOVE this idea.

And Kate Walker gets her hubby to bombard her with questions about her characters in the car 🙂

People watching at Swanwick 😉

So what do you do to get to know your characters?

Blogiversary Celebrations

Noooo, not mine…..Jennifer M Eaton

To celebrate her Blogiversary, Jennifer has invited her followers to write a story with her and so, I became participant number 9 🙂

You can read all the story on Jennifer’s blog, but here’s my contribution 🙂

“Please Janosc, leave us!” Janelle glared at her brother.
“Very well, I will wait outside.”
Marci watched in awe, as his wings carried him out through the open window.
“I must apologise for my brother Marci, he always thinks he knows best.”

Janelle sat down on the bare wooden floor and crossed her pale delicate legs. Her wings folding elegantly behind her as she lowered herself. She patted the floor and Marci sat down in front of her.
“I’m really confused Janelle, what Janosc said, I…..”
Janelle put her finger to her lips. “Hush child. Janosc was telling the truth. Being Queen isn’t the same for my people as it is for yours. There will be no pretty frock and crown for me.” She hung her head.
“Well don’t do it then.” Marci pleaded.
“Please try to understand Marci, my love for my brother is great, but my love for my people, our whole existence, is greater.”
Janelle got to her feet and walked towards Marci. She put her hand on Marci’s knee and smiled.
“Thank you Marci, for all your help.”

From outside came the sound of laughter. “Marci? Marci?”
“Thats my father!” Marci gasped.
“I must go child.”
Janelle opened her wings and flew up to Marci’s face, where she hovered, her wings beating silently. “Please don’t worry about me child, I know what I have to do.”
Before Marci could reply Janelle flew up to the open window.
“Will I ever see you again?” Marci asked as a tear trickled down her cheek.
Janelle turned and smiled, and with a wave, she was gone.

A tear dripped from Marci’s chin onto her hand. She watched, as it rolled down her finger, then dropped onto the wooden floor, next to the Olden Leaf. She scrambled to her feet, and snatched up the leaf. Taking a small wooden pot from her shelf she placed it inside and wiped her face with her sleeve.

“Marci? Marci? Oh, where is that girl?” Her mother called.

“I’m coming!” Marci called in return and ran down the stairs to great her father.

This will make no sense whatsoever unless you’ve been keeping up with the story lol. My little section is very basic compared to some of the beautiful writing some of Jennifer’s participants have submitted. But I’ve enjoyed the challenge, especially as I’ve never written any YA stuff before.

Do you think I should give YA a go? Or throw in the towel now? Lol

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY JENNIFER – May there be many more to come!

The To Do List 27th August to 2nd September

I had a pretty productive week 🙂

1. Finish my current read. That should be easy as I’m really enjoying it.
Done! I’m on to another 🙂
2. Go through all my Swanwick notes and look up web sites, books, authors etc, who were recommended to me. This will probably take me a couple of days! Lol
Done! I ended up buying another 10 books….whoops! (I hope hubby skim reads that bit lol)
3. E mail people I said I would at Swanwick.
4. Catch up with my prompts.
I did, I’m totally up to date 🙂
5. Start implementing the desk idea. Ahhhhh, now this is exciting.
Oooooo, I did 🙂
6. Start making notes on my M & B novel.
Done! VERY successfully 🙂

So this week I have hubby off work, so I’m looking forward to some days out 🙂 And with that in mind, the to do list will need to reflect that.

1. Finish my book. I started reading All That Mullarkey by Sue Moorcroft. Really enjoying it so this one shouldn’t be too hard.
2. Stay on track with prompts.
3. Make more notes on the M & B novel – especially title, characters and a synopsis.
4. Do some more work on the “desk” project.
5. Look at and bookmark all the photo sites Kirsten suggested on my Blogger Beware post.


So a few early mornings for me, so I can fit some writing time in 🙂

what are you up to this week?

Six Sentence Sunday 26th August

I just can’t seem to manage pulling my finger out and actually registering officially on the Six Sentence Sunday site 😦 I really must make an effort next week lol

Ok, so here is today’s offering…..

The heavy scent of lavender filled my nostrils, relaxing my senses. Late August, and the sun was beginning to grow weary. Soon, there would be no more early evenings spent on the patio with my book and a chilled glass of Chardonnay.

I thought back to last summer and those happy days spent in Sicily with Roberto. How I missed his smile, his touch, his taste. I closed my eyes as the memories of that passionate night flooded me with a warm wave of lust.


Hmmmmm, could this be my first foray into Erotica? 😉 *snigger*

Blogger Beware!

No photo prompt today guys as I wanted to get this posted and next Tuesday I have another special post already scheduled 🙂

Jennifer M Eaton pointed her readers in the direction of a blog post by Roni Loren….. You Can Get Sued For Using Pics On Your Blog – My Story recently.

If you haven’t seen anything about this, please, do go and read it. It’s shocking, scary, and definitely something we should all be aware of.

I don’t often use photos on my blog that haven’t been taken by me, but after reading this, I don’t think I’ll ever be using anyone else’s stuff again! *gulp*

This begs the question, how far does copyright go? Do you have copyright over something you say? In a public place? In private? Who owns the copyright if you take a picture of say, a piece of art or a building that’s been designed by an architect? And what about all those pics and cartoons that get passed around on FaceBook?

Where do you get your photos from?

Practising Conflict

The following scene is when the heroine (Kate) see’s the hero (Harry) when she’s out having lunch with her friend. She’s already met him, through work, and liked him, but now she’s seeing him in a new light…..

“Isn’t that Mr Rayner over there?” Francesca gestured with a nod of her head towards the back of the cafe. Kate turned and saw Harry Rayner sitting at a table with a young boy. She tried to look disinterested and turned back to the large display of sandwiches.

“Do you want a panini Francesca?”

“That must be his son. I wonder where his wife is, I told you he’s wearing a wedding ring.”

Kate pushed her friend forward as the queue moved slowly towards the cashier.

“Two medium skinny lattes and can we have these toasted please?” Kate placed a twenty pound note on the counter. It was her turn to pay today.

“Francesca, stop staring.” She whispered.

“I’m not, am I? Oh but Kate, he’s gorgeous.”

Kate gave a sideways glance to Harry’s table, just in time to see the boy knock over his drink.

“Oh for heaven’s sake Danny, what is the matter with you? Can’t I even have a coffee in peace?” Harry bellowed.

Kate and Francesca watched open mouthed along with the rest of the customers as Harry stood up, his chair scraping violently against the floor. He made his way to the sugar stand and grabbed a handful of serviettes. As he rushed back to his table his eyes met Kate’s.

“Oh, hi, sorry, I’ve…” He held up the handful of white tissues.

Kate smiled sympathetically. “I can see.”

“Yeah, child minders let me down.”

“Oh dear…” Kate was interrupted by the cashier.

“Two skinny lattes. Take a seat; we’ll bring the food over. Don’t forget your change.”

Kate turned to the cashier and took the coins, but when she turned back to Harry he had returned to his seat. She could see him talking to the boy through a clenched teeth whisper.

“Well, and there was me saying he seemed like a nice bloke.” Francesca huffed as she flicked her bleached blonde hair out of her eyes.

“Can we sit outside?” Kate asked. “You can work on your tan.” She knew exactly what to say to distract Francesca from the situation.

As they made their way outside with Francesca wittering on about her upcoming holiday Kate noticed the small boy sitting with Harry looked miserable. If she had stayed a few seconds longer she would have seen Harry apologise and for the pair of them to hug.

By the time the waitress brought them their panini’s Francesca had told Kate for the four hundredth time exactly what she still needed to buy for her trip to Cyprus.

“I can’t believe you’re not coming Kate, it would have been such fun!” Francesca pouted. “I’m sure we could have found you a rather attractive waiter, a summer fling?” She winked and laughed.

Kate smiled. “And that’s exactly why I’m not coming. Really Francesca, I don’t care if I stay single for the rest of my life.”

“You don’t mean that Kate. You will find someone nice, someone who won’t let you down. I’m sure of it.” Francesca lent forward and put her hand on Kate’s arm. “They’re not all like Ray you know.”

At that moment the door opened and out walked Harry. “Come on, come on Dan, I haven’t got all day.” He held the door open and frowned as the boy came out onto the pavement.

“Come on.” Harry urged and began to stride up the street. The boy ran to keep up.

Francesca turned to Kate. “And I’m sure they’re not all like Harry Rayner.” She giggled. “He may be lovely to look at but hey, I don’t envy his wife.”

Kate stared up the street and watched as Harry grabbed the young boy’s hand, pulling him across the busy main road.

“No, I hope not.” She muttered.

The idea of the exercise is to introduce conflict.

Did it work?

I’m A Very Inspiring Blogger

Firstly, before I go on to the award…. guess what? Go on, guess, I bet you can’t *snigger* You are now looking at (well, ok, perhaps not literally but you get my drift) an official Nano ML for the Kent UK region!!!! I got my e mail yesterday. So I’ll be Co-ML’ing with Elizabeth Haynes who did such a wonderful job last year. EXCITING OR WHAT!!!!!

According to Teresa at Floating With The Breeze and Paula Acton so it must be true, yeah? 😉

Seriously, thank you so much ladies, I am honoured to be thought of 🙂

We all know the rules for these things, nominate other bloggers and share random facts. Ok, so as I’m a rule breaker I’m going to do what I did last time….point you in the direction of some very “inspiring” blogs 🙂


Evan who blogs at The Better Man Project has embarked on a challenge, to be a “better man” 🙂 I think we could all learn something from this blog.

Ali who blogs at Heavenali can always be relied upon to post interesting book reviews 🙂

Debs Answers always has something fascinating to post. Very useful for us bloggers.

Stu at the Change Your Life Blog has recently just published the book to accompany the blog. So if you want to change your life, here’s where to start!

Liz at Libro Editing is a freelance proofreader, copyeditor and copy writer. It’s fascinating to read her blog 🙂

Please go and check out these links if you have time.

And if you’ve stumbled across an inspiring blog recently, post the link here so that I can go and have a look! 🙂

Introducing The Hero

Following on from the previous post, all heroines need a hero 🙂

My hero is called Harry. He is in his early 30’s with dark brown hair, which is almost black and green eyes. His hair is short at the sides with a floppy fringe that he regularly pushes back. His skin is Meditteranean in appearance. He is 6 foot tall, of athletic build, with long elegant fingers and well manicured nails.

Single, he spent his 20’s backpacking around the world and came back to settle down and have a family. Successful, he owns his own photography business. He works hard and in his spare time plays squash and enjoys attending the theatre and opera’s. He has a love of art and is attracted to beautiful things.

He lives with his younger brother Daniel, who is 10. Their parents were killed in a tragic car crash 18 months ago and Harry became the boys guardian. They live in a large house overlooking the river. He wears his mothers wedding ring on the 3rd finger of his right hand.

With a good head for business he is strong willed and determined. Often perceived as arrogant, he has a caring gentle side, that only those he allows to get close enough, see. He finds it hard to open up to people. His father was more interested in his career as a University Professor than he was in their sons, but Harry was close to his mother. His misses her terribly.

So that’s Harry 🙂 Does he make a convincing hero?