Richard Wrights 52 Project

Want to help writer Richard Wright write 52 stories? Damn I wish I’d thought of this lol

Richards looking for 52 photos, as prompts for 52 stories which he hopes to turn into an anthology. You will receive full credit if he uses your picture.

I sent one to Richard a few days ago, one that I took at Leeds Castle earlier this year, with the intention of using it as a prompt myself.


I can’t wait to see what story he comes up with 🙂

If you’d like to collaborate with Richard on his “The 52” project you’ll find all the info HERE on Richards web site 🙂

I LOVE this idea and just wish I’d thought of it first lol. Have you ever collaborated with another writer on a project before?

Writing Blogger Challenge Day 10

Awwwww, that’s it! Today is the last day 😦


Today’s prompt is:

List 5 top blog posts from fellow participants in this challenge. Link to them, and say why you enjoyed them.

Oh, now that’s not fair 😦 How am I expected to choose! Plus, I’m so behind as usual that I probably won’t finish reading everyone’s post til the end of the week lol

Every day Hunter has been giving us a choice of 2 prompts to choose from, so today, I’m going for the 2nd prompt, which is…

Donate to a worthy cause or fellow writer.

I love this idea! 🙂

Well I always try to support my fellow writers (in any way i can) but I’ve been a bit lapse recently 😦 So today I will purchase some Kindle books by writers who I know or who’s blogs I follow. I have just bought:

Make Believe

100 Ways To Fight The Flab

Anyone For Murder?

The Wrong Man

One Day For Me

Now I feel all warm and fuzzy and have another 5 books to add to the To Be Read pile *snigger* If The Hubster is reading this, sorry honey, but look at it this way, they’re not actual books 😉

Do you support your fellow writers by buying their eBooks?

Must Do’s 29th July to 4th August

Well, it’s been a hectic week. I met up with the Faber gang, my writing group and attended my sons graduation. Lasts weeks To Do List was fairly successful 😉

1. Sort out rewards post. Nope lol…it’s still sitting in my draft folder, I just need to do some nominations and then it will be ready to go.
2. Print out and finish critiques. Done
3. Do Artists Way stuff. I did most of what I was supposed to, but there will be some things carried forward.
4. Sort out stuff for dog training class. Done
5. Enrol on a drawing class. Ok, I’ve narrowed it down to 2 classes, but I can’t make up my mind which one to enrol on lol
6. Find out about an auction to attend. Again, I’ve done some research, found a place that looks good, now I just need to arrange a day to go lol

So this week is looking pretty ok. A couple of writing type thingys and a Boxing Day 🙂


Today is the last day of the 10 Day Writing Blogger Challenge (all say awwwwww). I’ve really enjoyed it, I hope you have too 🙂

So what are your writing plans for the week?

Writing Blogger Challenge Day 9


Today’s prompt is:

Post either a setting or character profile from your latest fiction project, a chapter summary of your non-fiction book, or a discussion of the theme or object inspiring a poem, article, or other writing project.

Hmmmmmm *thinks* Well, I’ve shared the character profiles of my first novel (Still) but I’m afraid the characters in Tangled and Sorrento Sunrise are somewhere, within the pages of my 41 notebooks (and at this stage I’m thinking I really should have some kind of indexing system!). So rather than try to trawl through all my notebooks I’ll give you a new one 🙂

Last night I wrote the beginnings of yet another story (prompted by something in Natalie Goldberg’s Wild Mind). Ms Goldberg suggested making a list…

A Colour Blue (the sky over London on a September morning)
A City London
A Street Charlotte Street (where I meet the Faber gang and the location of my story)
A Fruit Mango (what my character finds in his lunch box lol)
A Month September
A Job Newsagent (newspaper seller)

And then to write a piece containing all of them…. So this character profile is from the story I came up with last night.

Bill Taylor is 62 years old. Born and bred in East London he is proud of his roots and his first job at 14 was on a market stall in Petticoat Lane, selling “bits and bobs” to local housewives.

Short and stocky, he is now balding, what little hair he has left is white but he still has the cheeky blue eyes and dimpled chin that made him so popular in the 1960’s.

Married to Marjorie since the 1970’s they have 2 sons who both live overseas, and 2 grand daughters they rarely see. On his left arm he has Marjorie’s name tattooed and on his right arm, the names of his sons.

Bill runs a newsagents in London selling to the commuters as they make their way to the tube station. Business has taken a dip these past couple of years due to the digital age (everyone getting the news on their phones) so Marjorie is trying to persuade him to retire and buy a little flat by the sea. Bill couldn’t think of anything worse! Since his heart attack last year, Marjorie has been filling his lunch box with what he terms as “rabbit food” and insists that he stick to the diet recommended by the doctor.

A very proud man, he is a traditionalist with high morals and strong views of what is right and wrong. A Royalist, his proudest moment was meeting Princess Diana when she stopped at his shop to buy a bottle of water and a pack of sweets for Wills and Harry.

In his spare time (what little there is as he has to be at the shop for 4.30 every morning) he enjoys football (but sadly doesn’t go to the matches anymore…he used to take his sons) and likes to keep up to date with current affairs. He often says “what’s the point of selling newspapers if you don’t know what’s going on in the world” and can often be found reading the papers behind his counter when the shop is empty.

He drives a small old white van that’s constantly breaking down and although he owns his shop (he inherited it from an uncle back in the 1980’s) which is prime London real estate, he has no intention of selling and is adamant that they will have to “cart him out in a box” which causes tension and arguments with Marjorie.

I think that’s it 🙂 I don’t know what’s going to happen to old Bill, I haven’t got that far in the story yet lol, but, you know me, Bill will probably end up getting his wish of being carted out in a box 😉

if you try Ms Goldberg’s list idea, do let me know, I’d be interested to hear what you come up with.

Writing Blogger Challenge Day 8


Day eights prompt is:

Post about your writing routines / rituals / habits or quirks – or – your writing origins story

Well, I’ve told the story of my writing origins, so I guess today I’ll be revealing my routines 😉

I start every single day with a cup of tea, 3 sugars (I’ve cut down, it used to be 4 lol) and a cigarette. I’m the kind of person who is usually fully awake from the moment my eyes open. Yep, I’m one of those annoying people who jumps out of bed at 7am and is raring to go before I’ve even uttered my first word lol. So it makes sense that my most productive writing time is in the mornings.

Whilst drinking my tea I check my e mails, log into FaceBook and generally have a mooch around online (whilst trying to entertain Albie by multitasking with one hand on the iPad, the other on ‘teddy’).

I always start any writing session by writing in my journal, doing a prompt in my notebook, or, as recently, doing my morning pages. I prefer to write by hand than use a keyboard so doing something with pen and paper first makes me feel more connected, gets the creative juices flowing if that makes sense.

I went through a phase where I used to light a smelly candle as I sat down at my desk, but I don’t do that so much anymore, especially now that I’m back at the dining room table (Albies not allowed upstairs just yet). I also like to make sure I have a good selection of pens before I start. Different colours and nib widths, so that my notebooks are visually interesting.

And that’s it really 🙂 If I get really involved in a session I like to have a Nescafé Cappucino in a Starbucks mug by my side, or if I’m out and about, a skinny latte 😉

(My Starbucks mug collection – cappuccinos in anything else just isn’t the same lol)

Do you have any writing routines/rituals?

Writing Blogger Challenge Day 7

Sorry today’s post is a little late, but I’ve been having a Proud Mummy Moment and I’ve only just got back 🙂


The prompt for day 7 is:

Profile 2 books you’ve read and loved lately.

Hmmmmm, well, I haven’t read any fiction for ages and that’s partly to do with all the critique pieces I’ve read recently.

The last book I actually read, and loved was A Voice Of Her Own by Marlene A. Schiwy.

A fascinating look at women diary writers. I will definitely be seeking out some of the work referred to. It’s very inspiring, especially if you’re into journal writing and keeping a diary (something I aspire to).

And then the book I’m currently reading (which I was hoping to love) is Happier At Home by Gretchen Rubin.

I thoroughly enjoyed her first book, The Happiness Project, and although I’m on Chapter 3 of this one I’m finding myself skim reading sections *sighs* It’s so disappointing isn’t it when you thought you’d love a book, but you’re just not gelling 😦

I’m in a bit of a fiction reading slump at the moment so help me out….What was the best fiction book you’ve read so far this year? I need some inspiration 🙂

Writing Blogger Challenge Day 6


Today’s prompt is:

Profile 4 Writing Websites / Blogs that you read regularly

Ok, this was hard lol. I read so many fantastic blogs, so if you asked me this question next week, or next month, the answer could be completely different lol. But, today, these are the 4 that spring to mind…

The Write Practice always gives me an eclectic mix of interesting posts. I have a whole folder on my email where I keep them for future reference.

Joanne Phillips is an inspiration! Since finding her blog last year I have followed her journey from writer to “Indie Author” and I’m a huge fan. This one is a must for anyone considering going down the Kindle route with their novel.

Hunters Writings just had to be on my list. Hunter Emkay (who created this challenge) always has interesting writing related posts and what I especially like is that she always includes lots of links in her posts (thanks Hunter, I think, but you don’t help with my procrastination! Lol).

And last, but definitely not least, Morgen Bailey who has so many blogs I can hardly keep up with it! 😉 Seriously, this woman wears me out just reading what she’s up to! She runs online writing groups (on FaceBook and WordPress), has critique groups, author guests, writing tips, podcasts, and manages to post her own fiction! Morgen, do you sleep? 😉 Seriously, if you’re not subscribed to at least one of her blogs, why not? 😉

Right, I think that’s it at the moment. Hope you decide to have a look at some of these.

Disclaimer: I hold no responsibility if subscribing to these blogs means you get less writing time 😉

Go on, give me a link (am I gunna regret this? Lol) direct me to a writing blog you read daily….

Writing Blogger Challenge Day 5


Today’s prompt is:

Show off 3 of your best blog posts (with links!)

Oooo, this is hard, how do I know which were my best? Ok, shall I go on views? Comments?

Ok, well the most views I had to a post was this one:
What I Learnt From 9 Hours of The Lord of The Rings
I guess it was all those Tolkien fans 😉

The most comments on a post goes to this one:
Insecure Writers July 2012
Not sure why lol

But one of my favourite posts was:
Generating Titles
I really enjoyed writing that post because coming up with titles is probably one of my favourite parts of writing. I have pages and pages of them in my notebooks lol

Wow, ok, so it wasn’t as hard as I thought. Hope you enjoyed the blast from the past, I did 🙂

Happy for you to share your best posts in the comments below, just leave a link so I can go see 🙂

Writing Blogger Challenge Day 4


Day 4’s prompt is:

Profile 3 to 5 top writing craft books

Ok, I’m going to talk about the ones I’ve read.

My favourite all time writing book is The Writers Book Of Days by Judy Reeves. What can I say about this book that I haven’t already said (see my prompt a day 2012 tab above). This book is an excellent companion for any writer, but especially for those just starting out who need practice. I’m a big believer in the the more you write the better you write. This book helped me improve my writing ten fold 🙂

The 5 Minute Writer by Margret Geraghty was the first writing book I ever read. I loved this because it showed me that there is no such thing as “I don’t have time to write” 😉 The exercises are thought provoking and can be done in 5 minutes.

And lastly, no writers collection would be complete without at least one book by Natalie Goldberg. I have read Writing Down The Bones and then recently Wild Mind which were both inspiring. Ms Goldberg is a huge believer in writing practice (as are the other 2 writers above) and her books tell of her personal writing journey interspersed with exercises.

I’m a journal writer, it’s what started me on my writing journey (thanks Julia Cameron), so at the moment I’m reading A Voice of Her Own (Women and the journal writing journey) by Marlene A. Schiwy which is absolutely fascinating, and includes extracts from famous female authors journals/diaries. I think it’s important to keep writing, even if you’re not in the mood to write fiction, even if you’re suffering from writers block. Forming the habit of writing every single day is the best piece of advice I’ve ever been given 🙂

So tell me, what is your favourite writing book? Do you tend to go for a certain type, like I do?

Writing Blogger Challenge Day 3


Today’s prompt is:

Introduce yourself with your writing bio.

Hmmmm, well in the past I’ve just done a jokey one, for guest blogging etc. so perhaps it’s about time I went serious lol.

I decided to go for 3rd person, but, if this was in a query letter I would write it in 1st 🙂

Vikki Thompson is a writer who lives in Kent with her husband, children and pets.

A recent graduate from the Faber Academy she is a New Writers Scheme member of the Romantic Novelists Association and member of several writing groups.

In her spare time she enjoys Blogging (where she often shares pieces of short fiction), reading, journalling and attending the Swanwick writers school every year.

Oh dear, how boring is that! I don’t have any publications to talk about, no competitions I’ve won, and nothing to brag about lol.

Any tips on how I could make it more interesting? Have you got an “author bio”? I’d love to see it if you do 🙂