T Is For…

Its T day on the A-Z Challenge so we really are nearer the end than we are the beginning, if you see what i mean 😉

The random word generator gave me the word Tidy for today. Tidy? Seriously? *adopts blank expression* Bloody nora…what the hell am i gunna do with that? lol

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R Is For…

Good morning A-Zers, and non A-Zers of course 😉 Did you have a nice Easter Sunday? Eat lots of chocolate? I didn’t get an egg but i did eat a whole bag of Revels lol

So today is R day on the A-Z Challenge and its another day of feeling pretty uninspired. Am i just losing it, or does it all depend on my mood?

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Q Is For…

Another day, another letter lol…i’ll be well and truly in need of my day off tomorrow 🙂

Its Q day on the A-Z Challenge and i don’t know whats been more difficult. Doing the story for my random word, or finding a letter Q to take a photo of!

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P Is For…

Good morning 🙂 Ive just been sitting in my garden drinking my cup of tea, trying to come up with an idea for todays letter. Its P day on the A-Z Challenge and I’m feeling totally uninspired with me word. No, not totally uninspired. I did come up with an idea, but the story would be way too long.

My random word today is Poison, which i thought, initially was a great word….but all i keep thinking is about the last scene in Madame Bovary and that Sherlock Holmes said it was a “womans weapon” lol

Ok, here goes…lets see what comes out…

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C Is For…

It’s day 3 of the A-Z Challenge which means it’s “C” day 🙂





I did my random word generating over a week ago now, and believe it or not I can’t remember the words I was given that are written in my notebook. Yesterday afternoon I looked at what word I’d been given for C and I slumped lol. A and B were inspiring, C wasnt. So yesterday evening I Googled the word….and there it was, staring me in the face…inspiration lol…let’s hope I don’t get done for treason 😉

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B Is For…

Still on a high from yesterday, today’s snippet** is the first thing that popped into my head lol

photo-16 copy

My B entry for the A-Z Challenge is…well, let’s see if you can guess the word 😉

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A Change of Direction…

Hi guys 🙂 How are you all?

Me? Well, you know, keeping my head above water…just.

This break from blogging has given me time to think and I’ve come to the conclusion that i need a change. Ive recently had the change of scenery (the house move) which has been great….but I’m still not feeling inspired to write fiction, even with my new study 😦 But what i am feeling inspired to do is BAKE! lol

Why am i finding so much pleasure in cooking at the moment? Is it because its a creative act that gets a quick result? Does that make it more fulfilling? I don’t know. But what i do know is that combining my love of writing with my love of food seems like a natural progression. So I’ve started a new blog…

The Kitchen Adventure is where i’ll be blogging from now on, well, for the foreseeable future, in the hopes that it will lead me back to fiction at a later date. I have to stop beating myself up and if that means taking a 6 month break from writing it, then I’m not going to see that as a bad thing. I want to have fun, i want some adventure, I’m bored…and if I’m bored, you guys reading this blog will be too.

Ive joined the RNA New Writers Scheme again, and I’m probably going to submit the Mills & Boon type novel i wrote back in 2012 (remember that? Sorrento Sunrise). I do have another couple of ideas for novels, and I’m hoping, that taking a break, one will call me…does that make sense?

Anyway, I’m so sorry i haven’t read any of your blogs recently, I’ve felt kind of hermit like to be honest, perhaps its the weather lol. Please don’t hesitate to e mail me (addy on the About me page) if you fancy a chat. And in the meantime, if you fancy some cake porn…just click the link above 🙂

Vikki xxx


Reasons To Keep Blogging…Or Not…

I’m going through a moment lol. An “I’m exhausted” MOMENT 😉 Or is it just that the events of November have finally caught up with me?

And then, i came across this…

Seven Reasons to Keep Blogging appeared on the Daily Blog Tips Website and has hit my inbox at a time where i am thinking about taking some serious time out. I’m not sure the article has really had the desired effect on me lol

The reason that stood out from the list. The one that made me sit up and think was number 7…

“You’re on an Exciting Journey”

I am i am…..but isn’t the journey about doing what’s right for me?

What kinda feels right, right now, is curling up with a book on the sofa, baking, taking Alb for long walks to clear my head, chilling, and not feeling guilty that I haven’t checked FaceBook 3 times today, or answered blog comments.

So yes, I am on a journey, but I’ve started to not enjoy the ride. That’s bad isn’t it 😦 And why did I start blogging? To record my journey. Why did I continue blogging? Because I connected with some lovely people here, you guys, who I now count as friends. But life changes, your focus changes, and mine definitely has. I think I’m mentally worn out lol. The last 2 years have been absolutely manic, culminating in the last 6 months of feeling unsettled (the house move) and now that everything has come to a head I’m trying to recover. I know I must be worn out, I’m sleeping like a log every night (very odd!) and spending more time on the sofa in front of the TV than I have in years.

So I’m going to listen to my body, I’m going to step away from the iPad, FaceBook, Blogging, Twitter, the guilt, until at least the New Year. I want to feel excited again, and at the moment, I don’t. I want to make 2014 my most amazing year yet (thanks Leonie Dawson)


Will miss you guys terribly, but I hope you understand 😦 Take care xxxxx

Coming Out Of My Cave

It’s been a weird week. No, perhaps not weird as such, more like hard lol. It’s been a week today since I gave up smoking. Something I’d never thought I’d be able to do. I went from 40 (2 packets) a day down to 5 a day last month and then on the 1st of October nuffin, zilch, zero. I had my last cigarette last Monday night 🙂

I’ve been using a nicotine inhaler, and to be honest, it’s only down to using it that the family are all still alive lol. So I’ve managed to fend off the nicotine cravings, but dealing with the pure “want” of a cigarette, to not smell that smoke, to not have it between my fingers when I type or write has been torturous 😦

Curtesy of Grant Cochrane at freedigitalphotos

So you’ve probably noticed that I haven’t been online much this week, and haven’t answered your blog comments, read other blogs or responded to e mails. I’m even behind with the Scrivener class. I’ve been trying to change my routine, trying to avoid situations where a cigarette was part of the process…but I know I can’t avoid those things for ever. I’m sitting in bed writing this blog post because I couldn’t face writing it at my dining room table. I don’t usually blog in bed, and I can’t see me doing it again…I’ve got back ache lol

So my plans for this week are to emerge from my metaphorical cave/duvet and get back on track. I’m hoping that if I convince myself that 1 week is a turning point, where I’ve proven I don’t need my cigarettes, then I can get back into my usual routine, which will involve catching up with a lot of stuff this week.

On a lighter note, I met up with my fellow Nano ML’s on Saturday and we planned all the write ins for our area. Wow, November is gunna be busy 🙂

What are your writing plans for the week?