When The Going Gets Tough…

…the tough get going, or, they crumple in a heap in the corner. Well, thats been me these past couple of months.

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Friday Fiction…On A Monday

I didn’t get chance to blog at all last week. What with the 100K challenge and then the internet going down for 2 days (GRRRR!!!! Don’t ask *rolls eyes*) but, i have got back in to reading, and watching rather a lot of a certain TV show…so its all good.

Just a quick piece of fiction today that was written in response to Dominics recent photo…

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Friday Fiction – Caff’s Caff

Dominics photo this week prompted the following scene. At some stage in the future perhaps i can extend it 😉








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Friday Fiction – The Bench

Is it Friday already? Wow, that week went quick 🙂

Today’s piece of fiction was prompted by this photo…









A big thank you to Dominic de Mattos for allowing me to use it here…

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The Creative Writing Coursebook

Firstly, a huge thank you to everyone who offered words of advice to my post last week, Do I Really Need A Creative Writing Qualification? Your views kind of confirmed what i already knew deep down…i don’t need one, as such, but if i ever wanted to teach creative writing it would be a good idea. Other than that i could probably get what I’m looking for in other courses but i still think it would look good on my CV 😉

So i’ll do what i normally do with these types of quandaries…i’ll stick it on the top shelf, let it gather dust for a bit then take it down in about a years time when I’m spring cleaning *sniggers*

In the meantime, I’m trying to move forward…

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Friday Fiction

To keep my brain ticking over I’ve decided to do a prompt every Friday morning. I have to admit that I’ve blatantly stolen the idea from the Friday Fictioneers 🙂

Todays piece is inspired by this photo, which i took whilst taking tea (get me!) at Fortnum & Masons last month.









It inspired a character more than an actual story…

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The Art Of Blurbing

I spent some time yesterday morning writing a blurb for the novel I’m just about to start work on. A good exercise to get me focused on what the story is actually about and at least i now know the MC’s name!

I know some people get confused between a blurb and a synopsis, so we should probably start there..









Blurb = Found on the back of a book and used to entice a reader to buy it. Usually two or three paragraphs in length. No spoilers.

Synopsis = A summary of the whole story from beginning to end. Usually about a page long (unless told otherwise) and sent to agents/publishers. Must include spoilers.

So now we’ve cleared that up lets get to the nitty gritty…what should a blurb actually do? What needs to be included?

  • Wet the readers appetite.
  • Convey atmosphere.
  • Indicate what kind of book it is, genre.
  • Short and sweet, draw the reader in quickly.
  • Introduce the protagonist.
  • Describe the theme, if the book has a strong one.

Right, so now i know what a blurb is and what i should include, i must be able to write a great one yeah? lol….you be the judge. This is the blurb i wrote for my new WIP Pressence 🙂

“It just feels so right.” Was the thought that escaped Beth Adams lips as she stood outside number 10 Button Lane with the Estate Agent.

Having battled her ex-husband Michael for nearly two years in their bitter divorce she was looking forward to a fresh start and rebuilding her life. An unloved Victorian house in a picturesque Kent village was exactly what she needed.

But behind the dirty stained glass in the front door lurks a dark force. Beth’s search for recovery soon turns to terror as she is forced to confront her fears and the pressence, with whom she is convinced she shares her new home.

Does beth have the strength to win this last battle? Or will the strain be enough to tip her over the edge?

Do you ever buy books on just the basis of the blurb? I know i do, so i guess its important to get it right 🙂

Open to suggestions and opinions…does this work or do i go back to the drawing board? lol