Inspiring? Moi?

Firstly, a HUGE apology….I’m behind with blog reading (haven’t read any this week. But, at the moment I just can’t focus). Today, as you read this, I’ll be in London, doingl my pitch at Faber & Faber to a room full of agents. I’ve been a nervous wreck all week! Will catch up with what you’ve all been up to over the weekend, I promise 🙂

The lovely Katie over at The Intrinsic Writer has nominated me for the Inspiring Blog Award. Thank you so much honey 🙂

The rules are:
1. Display award image on your blog page
2. Link back to the person who nominated you
3. State what inspires you
4. Nominate 5 others for this award
5. Notify said bloggers

So what inspires me?
Talking to other writers.
Art galleries & museums.
Sitting on the sand/pebbles at the beach and staring out to sea.
Walking in the woods surrounded by trees.
Using brightly coloured pens in my notebooks.
Visiting historic houses.
Sunny days.
Natalie Goldberg, Judy Reeves & Julia Cameron.
Reading great books/writers.
New experiences.
People watching in coffee shops.
Great cpnversation.

The blogs I nominate for this award are:
Sarah Potter
Linda King
Edith at In A Room Of My Own
Sara Kjeldsen
The Write Romantics

Then the wonderful Rustic Recluse nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award….thank you 🙂

This one is where I have to state 7 things about myself, but, I’m gunna ask you guys to do the work…..Ask me a question…if there’s more than 7 I’ll still answer, promise 😉

And the 7 bloggers I nominate for this one are:

Rose Anderson
Magdalena Vandenberg
Nicky Wells
Karen at Karcherry
Catherine Johnson
Debbie at The Wicked Queens Mirror
Sue at Sassy Speaks

Please take a moment to check out all these wonderful bloggers. Now, who has the first question? Ooooo, I’m nervous lol

37 thoughts on “Inspiring? Moi?

  1. Thanks for the shout out – it’s 3:30 a.m. your time. I sure hope you get some sleep. Just be yourself tomorrow or later today – and you’ll do fine 😀


    • Thanks honey,

      He he he, sneaky Rustic 😉

      Well, I went ok, I’m glad I did it, proud of myself actually! Yeah, it was definitely an experience! I’ll be posting all about it on Monday!



  2. Thank you thank you thank you yet again! I’ll gladly take up the challenge although it may take me a little while to get organised! My question for you echoes your other commenters: HOW DID YOU DO? And my second question is: WHAT DID YOU DO AFTEWARDS??? XXX Rock on, Vikki, you are officially the Award Queen!


    • You’re very welcome Nicky 🙂

      How did I do? Ok lol 😉

      What did I do afterwards? Go to the pub, then onto a bar where I bought a bottle of champers and we divided it between 8 of us and I made a speech/toast which went along the lines of….

      “I started the Faber course with a novel, and ended it without one (sniggers), but, it’s been great fun, I’ve learnt a lot, and of course, met you guys (gestured to my fellow students). I wish you all good luck for the future.” We then spent several minutes making sure everyone had clinked their glasses 🙂



  3. Congratulations on your awards and thank you, so much, for nominating me for one of them. I do hope your presentation went supremely well today and your hands weren’t shaking too much. Wow, what an opportunity to pitch your novel to that many agents at once! Am I allowed to be a teeny-weeny bit jealous? Can’t wait to hear how you got on.


  4. Thanks for nominating me Vikki! And fingers, toes, arms, legs, everything crossed for you today! Love and hugs, Edith xoxox


  5. Pingback: My 2nd “Inspiring Blog Award”:-) | sarahpotterwrites

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