Writers Retreat Day

Today, I shall be on retreat lol…..cue music and scenes of a sun drenched beach, the sea lapping against the sand…..umm, no. I’ll be on retreat at home 🙂

Hubby is going out for the day (to a chess match) so I have the whole day to sit around in my jim jams and do whatever I want *pokes tongue out childishly*

In a way, it’s kind of like one of Peter Jones’ Boxing Days (you’ll have to read Peters book to know what I’m on about…see a previous post).

So, thanks to Judy Reeves, I have a list of prompts (for writing practice) that I will be using throughout the day:

write about a small thing
you are in a garden
it was Monday morning
write about a mirror
write a February memory
this is not about…..
one Friday night
“after all, it wasn’t what she expected”

That should keep me going shouldn’t it? Obviously, coffee, chocolate and doughnuts will also help lol 😉

The real question is, will the cats allow me? Lol…. This is what I have to contend with most days…


Now I’m thinking a retreat in a coffee shop is very appealing 😉

Have you ever had a writers retreat day? Do you do writing practice?

Yesterday’s prompt was “write about the blues in the night” and I guess you could say I took it literally lol. I wrote the start of a story, a romance, about a guy being woken up in the night by the girl in the flat below playing her sax 😉 Today’s prompt is “Memory thick as mud” after Janet Fitch who I now know is the author of White Oleander. I’d heard of the book, so now I’ll be doing a little bit of research….see what it inspires 🙂

I’ve now got 11 “Out There’s” but determined to get that up to 20 by next Wednesday 🙂

10 thoughts on “Writers Retreat Day

    • I totally agree hon. What do they say? Practice makes…… I don’t think I’ll EVER be perfect (not sure that I want to be anyway lol) but, I’m certainly a lot better than I was 😉

      Writing is a craft isn’t it, that we have to learn 🙂



  1. You are always amusing to read Vikki and where will the cat go? Good luck on your assignments. One day I would like to try to pen a short story and if luck is on my side..maybe this weekend.


  2. Hope the writing’s been going well! I love writing from prompts and doing practice exercises. Also, I often find that these little bits of writing expand into bigger ideas, which is always fun 🙂


    • Oh, it’s been brilliant Becca 🙂 I’m about half way through my prompt list!

      That’s exactly how I look at it. Even if you only end up doing a character sketch, you might find that you’ll use it in something at a later date 🙂



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