Insecure Writers Day, Or Help, Somebody Kick Me


Today is Insecure Writers day (see the tab at the top for more info). A day where members spill their guts on their writing fears, concerns, worries, and hopefully receive sympathy from the other members.

So how am I feeling about my writing at the moment? Pretty shit to be honest lol. I’m really struggling with motivation and I don’t know why lol. I need a boost 😉

My out there’s have dropped considerably (down to about 10 now) and although I was Long Listed in the Flash500 Competition (my entry was titled “Ashes”) it wasn’t really enough to give me that kick up the arse I seem to need right now. So what will it take?

I need to be more organised, I know that, and I’m fed up writing at my dining room table. The room is so cluttered now, I can’t get to my books, can’t easily access my notebooks and have to keep moving my piles when we have dinner *deep sigh* I know, logically, there’s nothing I can do about it, but I feel pretty sulky and low about the whole situation *pouts*

I’m not suffering from writers block, far from it! I have ideas coming out of my ears, what I don’t have is the motivation to sit down and write….I potter, tidy up, sort the washing, shop for food, cook (occasionally lol), blog, check e mails and FaceBook and then watch a film lol.

I know I am so lucky to have the time to write, that I don’t really have any commitments, and that my husband is very supportive, so what’s my problem right?

Am I in a writing slump? anyone have any suggestions on how to fire me up? 😉

50 thoughts on “Insecure Writers Day, Or Help, Somebody Kick Me

  1. Hi Vikki,
    You’re really lucky to have all those ideas kicking around! But I feel bad that you don’t have a writing space, that would be very difficult to work around. Have you tried going to the coffee shop or the library? Those work great for me when I have to get away from the phone, and the doorbell, and the TV, and the million gazillion things I need to do around the house.
    Especially the library. All those books, y’know?


    • Thanks Kirsten 🙂

      I do write quite a lot in coffee shops, but, I get so easily distracted lol

      I was in one, Monday morning, writing away, and these 2 girls came in and sat behind me. I ended up stopping what I was doing and making notes in their conversation, which was really interesting (and another idea for a story lol).

      I must admit, I haven’t tried the library, thanks hon, I will now though 🙂



  2. I don’t have a suggestion but that’s only because I feel the EXACT SAME WAY! I currently write on a netbook balanced on a shoebox on the couch. I also stay home while my uber supportive husband works his tail off. I have ideas coming out of my arse (I love that word, even though I’m American), and I’m really good at networking on facebook and twitter and the like. But I just don’t want to sit on the couch and cramp my back to write. I’m stuck too. So if anyone gives you any good ideas, freaking email me or something.


  3. You’re a day ahead. I’ll have to link back to this post tomorrow for discussion.

    I wish I had some encouraging words. Maybe all the ideas have got your swamped? Sorting through them to find the ones that are important? I don’t know. I hope you find some encouragement to help motivate you today!


    • Am I? Lol….that’s probably to do with the time difference lol

      Thanks honey, perhaps that’s what it is, overwhelmed with ideas lol

      I’m actually taking the day off today, getting out of the house for some retail therapy, hoping mindless shopping will clear my head lol



  4. I feel your pain, dear. My computer is in the kitchen and I have so many distractions around me. I, too, have fallen into a writer’s slump. I have 3 manuscripts looking at me and I’ve lost my umph to work on any of them.

    I wish I had some magic wand to wave. I guess we just need to force ourselves to write. Maybe take a walk, a mini-vacation to rejuvenate our senses. If you find an answer, let us know. Until then, I’ll keep rooting for you and hope you find your happy spot soon. We’re all in this boat together. Hugs.


    • Oh dear (((((hugs)))))

      Thanks hon, ooooo, yeah, a magic wand would be nice! Lol

      Well, I’m gunna get out today, take the day off, go shopping with a friend, hope that clears my head… never know, I might return as bright as a button tomorrow 😉

      If only there was an umph pill lol



  5. Do you do your writing by hand? I’d recommend transferring your notes to your computer and sorting them out there. If that’s too hard, then get a single folder to keep them in, and from now on start keeping them on your computer so that you can save space and start relying less on the clutter around your kitchen table.

    For motivation, start small. Writing is a big commitment. Try to write 300 words a day for a week. Unplug the phone, turn off your cell, disconnect the internet, whatever you have to do to keep yourself focused. It’s training. It will get easier as you get more accustomed to doing it. But there is no easy way to just “make it happen.” In the end, it’s down to your own self-discipline. Reward yourself afterwards. And after a week, bump it up to 500 words. Then 700. Then 1,000 a day. Take weekends or Friday nights off if you like, but make sure you’re getting a solid 3-5,000 words a week done by the end of it.

    You’ll get there, don’t give up!


    • Hi, and thanks for stopping by 🙂

      Wow, some great advice, thanks hon….I like the rewards idea

      I write mainly by hand at the moment, then transfer to my laptop, when I can be bothered lol. I think I need a better system, this one might not be working for me 😦

      Thank you so much 🙂



  6. The best way to beat this, I’ve been told, is to setup a schedule. Make a list of all the things you want to accomplish in a day. Cleaning, cooking, writing, everything. Make a time frame so you have something to keep yourself on track with. Also, try to make one of your tasks cleaning and organizing your writing space, even if it takes two days. Then you’ll be able to sit down in an organized area, organize your notes, and get some writing done! Plus, you can sit down at the end of each day and look at all the things you’ve accomplished, which can be very inspiring!

    Good luck! Hope this helps! 🙂


    • Thanks Chris 🙂

      Yeah, I regularly tidy my stacks of stuff, just because most of the time I can’t find anything lol.

      I’ve started working with a daily to do list, which worked well Monday, but yesterday, not one thing got ticked off the list to do with writing 😦

      I think I’ve got to just pull myself together and get on with it!!!!!! Lol



  7. My suggestion is to get out of the house. I can’t write at home when I’m alone. There is too much to distract me, too easily can I watch TV, eat, fiddle, sleep. If I’m out at a coffee shop then I have nothing but my computer. Also good to go somewhere without Wi-Fi and turn off your smartphone.


    • I have been trying to get out of the house more, but the weather here has been awful recently 😦 But I do think this is the key…..I spend far too much time, cooped up at home on my own 😦

      Thanks hon 🙂



  8. I am lacking motivation as well. In fact I wrote a post about it but can’t decide if I should put it on my blog or save it for a guest post when promoting my next novel. The one I have to get out there tomorrow. The process of which I am completely overwhelmed by. If only I could write and not have to be bothered with all the surrounding work, sigh! Oh well. Onward I go. The only way to conquer this is to just do it!


    • Oh Bridget (((((hugs))))) I can only imagine how overwhelming it all is.

      My husband said to me this morning after reading this post that the only way I’m gunna achieve my dream is to just “do it” and I know you’re both sooooo right!!!!! 🙂

      Good luck honey, grit teeth 😉



  9. Hi Vikki I always think it helps that whenever you are about to do something you ask yourself “what is the best use of my time right now?” and that will focus you. It might be that watching a film is what you need at that moment to get the creative juices flowing. Don’t be too hard on yourself. I think you are fitting loads in (as well as all the household duties, which are also important).
    Another thing I’ve just thought of is – you mention clutter – I can’t work or even think with clutter around so need that time to sort through things before being able to write. Also you may be more focused if you were to just have 4 half hour writing slots a day in your schedule and only write in those times.
    Sandra 🙂


  10. Don’t panic, Vikki! After the A-Z, your mind is in a different mode – it’s like muscle-memory – and it takes a while to reset. It took me nearly a year after I wrote a twitter fiction a day for 3 months. I had loads of ideas, but nothing seemed worthy of more than 140 characters! Your brain needs to relax and I echo what others have said – don’t try and write. You won’t like what comes out and that will make you feel worse. Get outside, tidy the garden, clean some windows (my favourite) get all the jobs done that you’ve been too focused to do. Don’t worry if it takes a month. Every brain needs a holiday now and then. The lack of motivation to write down your ideas is your poor brain screaming ‘Give it a rest!’


  11. Im decluttering my office (I work from home) but I simply cant write with loads of c*** round me – Im looking at it as productive procastination!!!
    and already thoughts,quips,ideas, are flowing in for the novel I have picked to focus on out of three – So advice would be dont just shuffle stuff around – get rid of it – declutter declutter declutter – Also now and again you do need a few days break from writing, you may have overdone it recently, re-charge the batteries.


  12. Hi Vikki,
    I agree with Sandra – sometimes you have to just give in to it. If you’re finding it hard to write, maybe writing’s not what you should be doing just now. Listen to your ‘inner voice’ (not like me to go all hippy) 🙂
    But don’t worry, the writing will come back. It always does. Because you’re a writer. And periods like this will be something you’ll have to face for ever. Eek!
    Anyway, I always find that I get my strongest motivation to write when I’m supposed to be doing something else – sod’s law in action. Take on some time-sensitive task – paid or unpaid, as long as it’s a bit pressured – and you’ll soon find that all you want to do it is ignore whatever you’re doing and write! Like now, I’m supposed to be indexing… Better go!


  13. Pingback: “I’m A Writer and I Cry A Lot” « Honesty

  14. Vikki, you’ve just come off a major commitment of writing so give yourself a big dose of credit and take some time off before tackling a story. I don’t know exactly what makes that ‘magical’ thing happen that kicks the creativity muse into gear and makes one sit down and write a story. I’ve not written on my novel in two weeks, I’ve got a half-finished short story that I know is a very good one, but getting to that place (in my head) where I sit down to actually do it has alluded me for a while now. It will come! I do agree you need a ‘sacred space’ for your writing — maybe working on clearing up that clutter you’ve referred to will spark some writerly motivation. Maybe your muse needs a little break — you’ve worked him/her for quite a while now — a very admirable feat! Take care and happy writing!


    • Hi Brigitte 🙂

      Yeah, the more I think about it the more I think you’re probably right… the time it didn’t find it too bad, but looking back I think I kinda exhausted my head of ideas lol.

      Thanks hon 🙂



  15. It’s so tough to stay motivated — especially when there’s tons of other things to do. I just got a pet chameleon last week, and all I’ve done is watched him. Having two jobs, a wife, and a kid takes some time away, and I’ve just made a commitment that my blog must come before my WIP. Sigh…it’s rough out there.


  16. Go find something totally boring to do that you have been putting off. That will surely make you come running back to the keyboard.

    Or sit down and start writing. Start with what a total something you think you are and some other things along those lines. Soon you will start to take it off to a different place, then you can delete the opening nonsense (or keep it as a reminder).


  17. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. A friendly comment is really appreciated. Writing-wise, I know what you mean-it’s usually reading that keeps me away when I logistically could write. I bribe myself-write this many words before I can get online, etc.

    Good luck with your slump!


  18. I nagged and eventually got a desk, which houses all my notebooks and stationary – so now there’s a smaller pile on the dining table I work from! Funnily enough, my best fiction short was written curled up in the armchair with notebook and pencil – get all your ideas down that way maybe and then take one at a time to type?


  19. Pingback: Insecure Writers Day – July | The View Outside

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