I’ve Been Out, Visiting

I am no longer a guest virgin *cheers*

Ive done my first guest post, well, it’s not exactly a post, its a piece of writing, called Ashes, inspired by a prompt that CC gave me.

The prompt was being caught in the rain and if you want to go have a read, you’ll find it on CC’s Blog

I don’t often post my work online because you can’t get it published (ie sell it) if it’s already appeared somewhere online 😦 But, as I’m concentrating more now on my novel I’m not gunna worry so much about it 😉


so go have a read and tell me what you think 🙂

26 thoughts on “I’ve Been Out, Visiting

  1. Vikki, I would like for you to do a guest blog if you have time. I have something for Thursday, but if you would like to write something original or about writing for my Sunday or next Thursday’s blog, that would be great. I’ve been meaning to ask for a while, but it’s been so busy. I’m just now catching back up on reading.


  2. It held my attention! That’s a good thing! The last author I read about on her blog, the fiction couldn’t keep my attention; I kept listing off.

    But she raised my interest in you, which is how I found your blog. ^-^


  3. Well done Vikki. I don’t think it is all that bad putting a couple of things online for people to read there, rather than to sell. It helps get your work around a bit, so it is a bit like marketing, if you want to view it that way.

    One tip you might like, or can ignore if you wish, is when posting on your blog about the guest post elsewhere, maybe post a short part of it on your post. For example the first paragraph, then have a “continued at xxxxx” with link. I saw someone do this a month or so ago and it looked quite well, it leads the reader straight into pressing the link. I shall look forward to you posting on Rebecca’s blog, she has a good one.


  4. Congrats on your award, Vikki. So well deserved. Can’t wait till you put it up. I like that you are no longer a guest virgin, too. Will click over and read it now. 🙂


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