This Weeks Goals….Possibly lol

Firstly, yesterday’s For Sale prompt…..

There are so many reasons why a house would be for sale aren’t there. It made me think of a situation me and my husband once found ourselves in where we were viewing a house because of a marriage break up 😦 The wife and the kids were still living in the property, but it was obvious they didn’t want to move. She couldn’t even bring herself to show us round, and the house was an absolute mess. She didn’t want us putting an offer in. We felt uncomfortable and reluctant to even go down that route.

Peter and Annabelle Hewitt fell in love with 28 Star Hill the moment they lay eyes on the elegant Georgian terrace. Stretching themselves to their absolute financial limit they managed to purchase the property for just below the asking price. They set to work. Modernising the interiors, creating an office for Peter, a playroom for baby Jack. The financial strain was immense, but, in Peters eyes, a good investment.

After 5 years of struggle, the house was finished, but so was their marriage. As joint owners Peter insisted that it be sold or that Annabelle buy him out. Heartbroken at her husbands affair and the loss of her beautiful home, Annabelle reluctantly moved in with her parents. She was unable to buy Peter out and her anger rose with each new couple who viewed the property.

When the agents call finally came, saying that an offer had been made and that her husband had accepted, Annabelle made a decision. The night before contracts were exchanged, she tiptoed through the front door carrying a sledgehammer and 2 cans of spray paint…….

In future, I’ll post a prompt on Sunday, and then a response on Tuesday 🙂

Thanks again to everyone who offered advice to my Insecure post.

I have decided, yes, I still need to set myself goals, a to do list. I need to work to a schedule, have a plan or a time table. So now, I just need to come up with something that will work for me lol. I’m just sooo fed up with not hitting my goals every week, so I need them to be lower. A cop out? Probably!

So rather than post a list of Goals every Monday, I’m thinking that I’ll just post a couple of things I plan to do this week, not analyse what I didn’t achieve last week, and then work with a daily to do list. I won’t post that daily and bore you all rigid lol.

Sooooo, Saturday, I started my Romance writing course with Sally Quilford so will need to do some work on that.

Today, I’m meeting up with a fellow Nano friend so I will take my laptop, and maybe i’ll get chance to do some editing (if we don’t just constantly talk lol).

Tonight, I’m at my Writing Group, but we have a speaker, so that’s ok.

And then Wednesday it’s Writing Class 🙂

Not a particularly busy week, until you take into consideration I’m going on holiday on Saturday (16th). Yep, I’m off for a week. I’d like to say, I’m jetting off to sun, sea and sand….but something tells me that’s not going to be the case, as I’m off to Jersey, and I’ve been told the weather is not much different there than it is here lol. I better take jumpers and an umbrella then lol.

So I need to do some scheduled posting for the old Blog. Hopefully I’ll have WiFi….but if I go quiet, you’ll know why lol

So I’m kind of loathe to plan anything around the WIP, but I should shouldn’t I?

Ok, let me see…..this week I will edit another 20 pages! There, that’s it, I can manage that can’t I? Lol

So what are you up to this week?

29 thoughts on “This Weeks Goals….Possibly lol

  1. Isn’t that better. The to do list take away some of the pressure. But, just remember, items don’t come off the list until you finish them. My to do list is 10,000 words, watch one movie (advantage of having a movie section on my blog), write 500 words for Prompt Blog Hop and edit a blog post for Friday. Not to bad. Have a great week with your list.


  2. Goals are great. I find that they motivate me to either get something done OR reconcile my time management and clear out the clutter in my schedule so I can reach the goals with a higher importance.

    Good luck through the week, friend. I’m sure you’ll be very productive. 🙂


  3. It’s best to keep your goals light. It makes it easier to focus. If you try to do too many things, nothing gets done. That was my problem for a long time.

    Writing courses are awesome. I hope you get a lot out of it. At a bear minimum, it should be enough to inspire.

    Best of luck!


  4. The experiment continues on my first novel and I just emerged from a huge writing binge on the second. My muse has promised to keep me writing on the second one through tomorrow. 🙂


  5. Good luck with your goals this week, Im sure Jersey will be lovely. Ive set a few goals this week but its gonna be a bit tricky. David(son) is having his friends over from the Mini event at Brands Hatch this weekend so Ive got about 30 Minis coming for tea! (that will please the neighbours!)


  6. You’re so good – posting your goals each week. Good luck for this week 🙂
    I need a kick up the proverbial to keep my goals in check. I’ve been meaning to join a writer’s group, I found a local one and will go and check it out. Maybe thats how I’ll keep to the goals. Have a great week off! Sun or rain, it’s still a week away. 🙂 xx


    • He he he, posting them is fine, it’s sticking to them that is the problem lol

      Thanks hon 🙂

      Ooooo, good luck with the writers group, post about how you get on 🙂

      Oh, I intend to do plenty of relaxing, and a bit of reading lol



  7. Goals are wonderful, but children have a way of messing with them, lol. I used to be a huge goal-setter, now I’m lucky if I can maintain a schedule from one day to the next.


  8. Good luck with the goals – I can say from cutting down the blog posts a bit over the last week or two, that this definitely helps in achieving the goals. It’s all about priorities really.


Lets chat!