I’m A Very Inspiring Blogger

Firstly, before I go on to the award…. guess what? Go on, guess, I bet you can’t *snigger* You are now looking at (well, ok, perhaps not literally but you get my drift) an official Nano ML for the Kent UK region!!!! I got my e mail yesterday. So I’ll be Co-ML’ing with Elizabeth Haynes who did such a wonderful job last year. EXCITING OR WHAT!!!!!

According to Teresa at Floating With The Breeze and Paula Acton so it must be true, yeah? πŸ˜‰

Seriously, thank you so much ladies, I am honoured to be thought of πŸ™‚

We all know the rules for these things, nominate other bloggers and share random facts. Ok, so as I’m a rule breaker I’m going to do what I did last time….point you in the direction of some very “inspiring” blogs πŸ™‚


Evan who blogs at The Better Man Project has embarked on a challenge, to be a “better man” πŸ™‚ I think we could all learn something from this blog.

Ali who blogs at Heavenali can always be relied upon to post interesting book reviews πŸ™‚

Debs Answers always has something fascinating to post. Very useful for us bloggers.

Stu at the Change Your Life Blog has recently just published the book to accompany the blog. So if you want to change your life, here’s where to start!

Liz at Libro Editing is a freelance proofreader, copyeditor and copy writer. It’s fascinating to read her blog πŸ™‚

Please go and check out these links if you have time.

And if you’ve stumbled across an inspiring blog recently, post the link here so that I can go and have a look! πŸ™‚

4 thoughts on “I’m A Very Inspiring Blogger

  1. Wow, Vikki, congrats for the ML role. That means you’ll be doing NaNoWriMo this year, right? I actually considered volunteering for North Shore Sydney’s ML this year – the last just resigned. But don’t tell anyone – I whimpered out because all the active participants are around 18, decades younger than me, and I was pretty sure I wouldn’t be on trend enough with venues for write-ins etc. But it’s nice to know that there will be somebody I know gruelling through NaNo in November, even if 10,000 miles away.


    • Thanks honey πŸ™‚

      Oh yes, if I can actually fit some writing time in! Lol

      Oh, that’s a shame, but yeah, I don’t blame you! We tend to do most of ours in coffee shops and we did a couple in a shopping centre lol. This year our local libraries have been in touch, wanting to get involved. Not too sure what kind of age range we’ll get there lol πŸ˜‰

      Yes, I will be Nanoing, MLing and blogging about the whole thing! I’m angelchildvikki or there….add me πŸ™‚



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