Will You Be Nano-ing?

If you’ve never heard of Nanowrimo, get yourself over to C A Husted’s blog and see what it’s all about…..

Nanowrimo, or National Novel Writing Month is where really silly people decide to write a 50,000 word novel in one month, yep, one month. It starts on the 1st November and ends at midnight on the 31st. To consider to be a winner you have to have written 50,000 words (which you then have to upload to get verified before you get your winners certificate).

Ok, we’re not really silly people as such, most of us are in full control of our faculties, most of the time 😉 But, it is a challenge, it does make for a hectic month, and if you manage to do the full 50,000 words you’ll be so sick of your WIP you’ll want to dump it in the nearest river! Just kidding with that last bit 😉

This will be my 3rd year as a participant (if you want to add me to your buddy list over there I’m angelchildvikki) and this year I’m a CoML to boot (like an area rep).

Now, I have a problem with this years Nano. I was intending to do my Mills & Boon novel. I did my “WIP Bible”, all the planning sorted, and I’m ready to go…..but, I’m doing the Faber course, so wouldn’t it be a better idea to concentrate on the Faber novel for Nano? Trying to write 2 novels at the same time, during Nano is madness, right? *slump*

Why do I always get myself into these messes? My husband despairs lol.

So it appears that I need to make a decision, seriously. Damiano and Kate just may have to go on the back burner until April 😉

And talking of Nano, if you’re passionate about it Suzan Butler and Anushka at Finding My Creature are both looking for bloggers who would like to do guest posts about Nano during November, I’m tempted. 😉

So, will you be Nano-ing this year?


Nanowrimo Discussion at Writability

Nail Your Novel – Tips


60 thoughts on “Will You Be Nano-ing?

  1. Yes! Actually just changed my cover art on facebook to reflect my NaNo-ing effort. I’m actually going to rewrite the novel I wrote last year (or that’s the plan at least). I won’t start replotting for this until next week I think, maybe this weekend if I have time. It’s the first novel I wrote and my emotional tie has loosened so I think I can manage a rewrite without a breakdown.

    As for what you should write, that’s hard. You gotta do what’s going too cause you the less amount of grief. The one for class may be smarter, but your hearts in the other. Tough decision.

    My username is vitamincdotc (like my twitter handle). I’ll look for you.


  2. I participated last year and it was a lot of fun, even though I didn’t make it to 50,000 words. It was still a great experience though. Unfortunately I won’t be able to participate this year. I’m working really hard on the second book in my London Darkness series and want to have it out by January 1st. Good luck though, Vikki! 😀


  3. I might be participating in a somewhat adjunct way, in that a few of the books I’ve edited over the past year (and I anticipate more in the upcoming year) have been a result of NaNoWriMo 🙂 Plus I do what I can to be a cheerleader to authors I know doing it. So … GO TEAM!


  4. I am deffinately going to give it a bash again this year. Although I will have another story with beta readers so I may end up getting sidetracked. I hit 30k last year so I’m determined to at least match that and better it if my beta readers don’t get back to me till December 😉


    • Thank you so much for the ReBlog Peter 🙂

      Yeah, I saw you’d entered all your details from your blog (I’m a bit behind with commenting as ever lol).

      Good luck and if you need me to wag my finger at you just give a shout on the Nano group 😉



  5. Oh yes! I shall not be aiming for 50,000 words, because I’m a Rebel. I’m going to get several chapters of my novel, Applause, written. I’ve made the pledge with the ‘Next Big Thing’ so with that, and ‘NaNoWriMo,’ I’m fired up and ready to go! The novel may need a month of editing when November is over, but I don’t care. NaNoWriMo is a great incentive to get up and get going. xxx


  6. Ooh NaNoWriMo. Exciting times! This is the first year I was finally going to take part, but then my second novel needed to be re-worked, so I don’t know if I will be able to do it. Then again, I could always write 50,000 words while I’m editing. Craziness. hehe.

    Keep us posted on what you decide to do for NaNoWriMo.


  7. I like the thought of Nano, but don’t think I can partake. I did one of the summer ones and didn’t end up accomplishing it. My life screams chaos quite often. I love to write, but like to write a variety of things. Wish you and those participating the best though! 🙂


  8. I know for a fact I won’t be able to write enough each day – with a full time job there just isn’t time and I get soooo stressed when i want to write and I can’t! GOOD LUCK to all of you taking part – I’m going to try and write as much as poss in November to kind of cheer you on in my own way, but I doubt it will be 50K!


  9. Your post and all the comments are inspirational….this year I’m taking the plunge. I’m a slow writer, editing my second novel (first was published in 2008 — so long ago) but I need/want to dive into my third. Bring it on November!


    • Thanks Bridget 🙂

      I have some VERY inspirational followers 🙂

      Nano definitely makes you write fast, you just need to forget about editing!

      Next week I’m doing another Nano post, my top 10 tips on how to win at Nano, hope it will help 😉

      Good luck!!!!!



  10. Reblogged this on BRIDGET WHELAN writer and commented:
    I’ve decided to jump into the deep end and join NANOWRIMO this year, following the fingertips of authors like Julia Crouch and Elizabeth Haynes. I’m not really aiming at 50,000 words in one month, just dedicating myself to have a go at a concentrated wedge of work with the support of others. I am thinking that it is probably going to feel a bit like a literary Weightwatchers…And if I only produce 10,000 words then it is 10,000 I didn’t have before.
    If you are not sure what it’s all about then this guide will give you Vicki’s personal perspective (I’m hoping she goes for the Faber novel). Vicki and I started reading each other before we realised that we are going on the same small writers’ retreat in West Sussex. Small world writing….


  11. I love Nano! I’ve participated and won three years running and wrote an obscene number of words each time I did.
    I almost thought I would have to miss it this year because I’m so determined to move forward with my revision. But, guess what?! I’m close to finishing my block revision so I’m going to reward myself with … more first draft words. 🙂
    As for you dilemma.
    One of our ML’s wrote TWO books for Nano, and ended up with a word count of 160k! Insane, I know! She started one, finished it, and went on to finish the next.
    I wouldn’t try to emulate her though. Most of us mere mortals can only do one book in a month. 😉
    Choose the one that calls you more. I think you’ll know which one that is if you have an honest heart to heart with your Muse.


  12. Vicki, your dedication and hard work makes some of us look like we are standing still or marching in place !! No, I won’t be “nano-ing” this year, but I will cheer on all my writer/blogger/friends … Write on and have a grand time with it 🙂


    • Ha ha ha, bless you Florence 🙂

      Of I’m passionate and enthusiastic about something I do tend to go on about it, and throw myself into it 110% lol

      Awwww, thanks honey….something tells me I’m going to really need cheering on this year lol 😉



  13. Holy comments!

    I will be sitting out NaNo after unsuccessful (and brutal) dalliances with JuNo and CampNaNo. I am not a “sprint” writer — at least not yet — and I put far too much focus on word count and not enough on story. For some, it’s an awesome kick in the booty, but for me, its a hindrance.

    I will, however, be cheering you all on from the sidelines.


  14. Pingback: NANOWRIMO – an insight for first timers « BRIDGET WHELAN writer

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