In a Change To The Advertised Feature…

It’s all go here you know lol….well, ok, not yet perhaps, but it will be come Monday.

So that I can blog about the Faber course, I’m gunna have to shuffle things around a bit. Have a new schedule that still allows me to do my To Do List, Six Sentence Sunday and continue to blog everyday. Then of course, there’s Nano….so I’m afraid, no more prompts from a photo, no more fiction pieces on a Tuesday for a while. You’re probably all quite relieved lol

Image courtesy of Anusom P/digitalfreeimages

So this is the new schedule:

Monday To Do List
Tuesday Faber post
Wednesday ???
Thursday ???
Friday Writing Group stuff
Saturday ???
Sunday Six Sentence Sunday

That will give me a few days a week free to ramble about anything else, which in November will surely be Nano lol

The only other thing you’ll notice is a change in the time when I post. I usually do my posts the evening before and schedule them to go live at 1am UK time. I won’t be doing that all the time from now on. So you’ll find the midweek posts go out a bit later, depending on how bogged down I am with homework lol 😉

Wish me luck! 🙂

21 thoughts on “In a Change To The Advertised Feature…

  1. I am actually to get ahead with posts partly due to the op but partly so I can actually schedule them to come out at the same time each day had never thought about scheduling for the early hours but maybe that makes more sense than mine at the minute which I tend to do for around school run time


    • Ha ha ha 😉

      Couldn’t leave this til Monday as I’ve changed the Saturday posts now, so had to do it on a Friday 😉

      I’m starting a writing course with the Faber Academy (part of the publishers Faber & Faber) on Monday Elliot *gulp* 😉

      Thanks honey xx


  2. Collectively NaNo challengers as doing the exact same thing – clearing the decks! I’m submitting articles and manuscripts and finishing up hand puppets for a coloring competition I’m running!
    Good luck in NaNo land.


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