I’m An RNA NWS Member!

Ok, that probably means absolutely nothing to most of you, in English, the translation is…

I’m a Romantic Novelists Association New Writer Scheme Member!

The RNA opens it’s doors for membership once a year to people who have previously been unpublished, under the New Writers Scheme. There are 250 places and each year they are oversubscribed. Checking their website yesterday morning it seems that all 250 places were full and they only started taking applications at 12.02am on the 2nd!

So what exactly does this mean? Well, I get a critique of my MS which then goes into a kind of competition and I’m entitled to attend all RNA events! 🙂

I guess I’ll be working on 2 novels this year then 😉

Are you a member of any “Associations”? Do you think there are benefits to belonging to “official” writers organisations?

64 thoughts on “I’m An RNA NWS Member!

  1. YAY!!!! More support! 😀 I’ve been a member of RWA – Romance Writers of America for about six years and it’s been great. Hoping to go to the national convention next year. Doing a happy dance for you.


    • Thanks Kitt 🙂

      The FWA sounds good as, I’m presuming, you have to be in Florida to be a member. You must get to meet all the writers that live local to you? That would be great if we had something like that here. But all our Associations seem to be National.



      • Oddly enough, we get a lot of snow birds…and our local chapter doesn’t require membership in order to come to the meetings twice monthly. It does give us quite a discount on the conferences that happen throughout the year and our literary magazine for free. 🙂


  2. I keep telling myself I need to join RWA and I’ve yet to do it. It’s like needing to join a professional organization for my career. I know I need to, but have I done it yet? No.


  3. The NWS is great – even though my reader said my submission for 2012 was not a romantic novel at all – and that I should turn it into a psychological thriller! (It remains in the drawer).


  4. Congratulations – one of my dearest friends is a a reader/mentor on the scheme and I know how much work she and the others put into supporting emerging writers. Great start to the New year


  5. Congratulations. I also joined this year. My email went off at 12.02 exactly! I understand that by about 12.10 all the places were taken, so it was a nervous time waiting to hear! Best of luck with it.


  6. Huge congrats, Vikki! I’m a member of the RNA and I look forward to seeing you at one of the events this year! Hope you enjoy and let us know how your critique goes. Oh, and have you found the Romaniacs blog? They’re all RNA NWS members too and a fabulous bunch of writers and friends. Worth checking out and meeting them all!!


    • Thanks Nicky! It will be great to meet you (I saw you partying hard at the last event! Lol).

      Yes! I’ve been following The Romaniacs blog for a while now, didn’t realise they were all NWS members though. They certainly know how to party too! Lol



  7. I got in to – sent email at 12:02 – Looking forward to finishing something – I need the extra pressure. Must check out that Sisters in crime one though. Thanks for keeping us informed Vikki


  8. Well done, Vikki, that’s great news. You’ll find a lot of support on there. I’m a member of Alli – Alliance of Independent Authors – and that’s about it at the moment. I would (as you know) love to join the RNA, but at the moment their rules bar me from joining as an indie author. But apparantly I can still attend the parties, so let me know if you’re going to one and I’ll pitch up too 🙂 x


  9. Congratulations Vikki! I got in this year too! It was bit nervewracking trying to make sure I hit the send button at exactly 12.02am .. i was terrified of applying a few seconds early and missing out so I waited until about 20 seconds after 12.02!!! We can encourage each other! xxx


  10. Congratulations Vikki. That’s great.
    I’ve had confirmation that I am on the RNA NWS for 2013 – yay! This is my fourth year on it and I’ve found it absolutely invaluable for my writing; having had some really good readers’ reports and having been a finalist in a short story award (Elizabeth Goudge Trophy) run for the Conference every year. The RNA are the most welcoming bunch of people you’ll ever come across, and I see that others here have already signposted you to the Romaniacs, who I count as some of my writerly friends. I’d like to think I’ve been a good advocate for the RNA and I’m certainly very open in my blog about being a member. The parties are great and you must try and come to the conference – it’s a great opportunity to pitch to editors face to face, and learn more about the craft of writing and the industry (yes, there is always laughter and drinking involved too).
    Hope to meet you at an event soon.
    All the best, Nikki x


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