How Do You See Yourself in Relation To Your Readers?

I’m not a published author ( yet lol) so I’d never really thought about my readers. No, sorry, that’s wrong. I have kind of thought about the type of person who would read my books, but I’d never thought about how I want to be seen by them.

Do I want them to see me as a teacher? Sharing my knowledge.


As an entertainer? Delighting them with a captivating story.

So here is…..A Letter To My Reader (from my journal)

Dear Reader,

You now hold in your hand a copy of my book. This is the future by the way 😉

It is NOT autobiographical, although, I will admit that there are several themes within it that I have had some experience of. As a writer, that is inevitable. The character of Laura is NOT me, but we do share traits and opinions. Good grief, I was a much more rebellious teen and owned enough makeup to open my own shop!

The book was written because of my fascination with people. I find everyone interesting. I like to know what makes people do the things they do and I’m a big believer in the fact that we are all responsible for our own actions, regardless of what influences we have had in our childhood. Our childhood is what makes us who we are, but we’re all capable of change, if we want it badly enough.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that my motivation to write comes from a need to understand people. I don’t consider my work will tell you anything you don’t already know, but I hope it makes you think. I hope it makes you question your own decisions and that you will ask yourself “What would I do?” if you were in that same position. Perhaps you will think about your own past decisions and those that I’m sure you’ll make in the future. Next time you’re faced with making a choice, think long and hard, and remember, this is it, you only get to live life once!

Hmmmmmm… perhaps I am a teacher of sorts? Or somewhere in between?

What about you? How do you see yourself in relation to your readers?

50 thoughts on “How Do You See Yourself in Relation To Your Readers?

  1. I am technically one of your readers now, and I promise when you publish your first book I will become a most devoted reader. We can come back and discuss this post and smile.


  2. Thank for your reply. Helpful. I’d like my readers to be entertained and to get them to think as well. Gee you and I really agree on that one!


  3. I don’t want the reader to think about me at all. It’s all murder and mayhem in my novel! The book is for their enjoyment – hopefully! My web presence is where they can interact with me if they wanted to.

    Your letter sounds well thought out though. I wonder if you will still feel that way once your work is out there?


    • Interesting Rebecca,

      I have a friend who writes thrillers and the amount of people who asked me if her book was something SHE went through was incredible lol (it touched on stalking and domestic violence). So they were all obviously reading it thinking about her as being the victim. When I read I do think about the author, what inspired them to write this book?

      I’ll let you know 😉

      Thanks honey x


  4. Well, I write for me and don’t really think about any readers while I write. When I get brave enough to send some of my writing out, I hope it’s entertaining enough to keep the reader interested. Also, I write a lot of non-fiction, so I hope I share something a reader may find useful or be able to relate to in some way.


    • Oh definitely Sabrina, I write for ME…but, if what I’m writing is boring me, I KNOW it’s going to bore a reader lol. I guess I write what I want to read 😉

      Yes, of course, non fiction HAS to teach and entertain!

      Thanks honey xx


  5. I understand, care for, and love my characters so much, I want my readers to feel the same way. However, the first draft of my novels (only written two, so could change) is for the story, the second draft is for the characters that belong in it, that make the story. But ultimately the final draft has to be for the reader. Anyone can write, but it has to be good enough for a reader to read. That’s the difficult part of being a writer.


  6. With my latest work, I’m telling readers far less than I did in my earlier novels, so my idea is not to teach readers, but to stretch their imaginations, raise questions and not answer all of them so they can make their own interpretations of what I’m saying. I think it’s good to leave readers thinking about a novel, long after they’ve closed the last page.
    P.S. I might write a post of my own expanding upon this. It’s an interesting question you’ve asked.


  7. Entertainer, definitely, but I want to grab them as well and make them connect with the book emotionally. I write what I would like to read – simple! Another food-for-thought post, thanks, Vikki!


    • Ahhhhh, but I think you’re also a teacher Bel. I’m sure there are lots of people out there who are educated by erotica, seriously 🙂

      That’s the ultimate key isn’t it, getting your reader to connect….something I strive for 🙂

      Thanks honey xx


  8. Vikki, I see myself mostly as an entertainer … someone who will engage the interest of a reader and give them a good read. I think that counts for all work. Whether we are trying to tell them something important about life or just telling a good story to make them smile … entertaining and interestiing books are what motivates me 🙂


  9. I’m quite sure I’m an entertainer. All of my books have an escapism factor in them. Be it battling witches in medieval England, finding a re-incarnated love, the adventures of woodland sprites or a cute little monster’s trip out. When I read I want to disappear into another ‘world’ and that is what I write. As always a great post getting the old grey matter thinking.


  10. I don’t see why it’s important what a reader thinks of me. To be honest, as a reader myself, a rarely give a toss about the writer unless I REALLY love their books. To date, there is only one writer I’ve ever bothered looking into the personal life of. I think maybe you are worrying too much about something you can’t control. Focus more on making the characters in the stories come to life. After all, those characters and stories are why your reader has picked up the book.


    • Hi Kitty, thanks for stopping by 🙂

      He he he, oh I’m not worried about what my readers think of me 😉 They’ll judge me no matter what I do, say, or write. I just thought this was an interesting exercise, to make think about the kind of stuff I write. I don’t tend to write lighthearted stuff, purely for entertainment, but, I have to consider that my novel HAS to entertain on some level 😉

      Thanks honey 🙂 xx


  11. The toughest part of building my platform is the ‘me’ part. If I could just write in my own study, and then send my ms to a publisher without having to show my face or talk about myself at all, I would be very happy. I have much more fun building the lives of my characters!


  12. To be a good teacher, I might have to be an entertainer first. 🙂
    I love that you’ve written a letter to your potential readers. It seems like a great way to frame what it is one is trying to accomplish by writing the story.


    • That’s a very good point Kirsten!

      Thanks honey, it’s been a really useful exercise to be honest, and like you say, it kind of focuses you on what you’re trying to achieve 🙂

      Thanks honey xx


    • Ooooo, interesting CB 🙂

      Invisible to the reader, I like that. Yeah, I guess that is the ultimate aim, so that the reader isn’t aware of the authors presence. Ooooo, I’d love to be able to write a book like that!

      Thanks honey xx


  13. I hope I’m an entertainer to readers of my books and short stories. To readers of my blog I hope I provide a source of information (especially regards writing competitions) and offer something in the way of encouragement.


  14. I love this post Vikki – what a lovely from the heart letter! Your readers of the future are very lucky indeed. I wrote a mission statement a while ago, which is a similar thing I guess, and from time to time it really helps to focus me, and to remind me (when it all gets difficult) why I’m actually doing it! Good luck, lovely xxx


  15. Vikki, I’m one of your readers now too! I’m also a writer and a life coach. I always tell people to “see themselves where they WANT to be.”
    I see you as a writer! And a teacher! And by the way, thanks for the letter!


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