Faber Session 28 – Notes and Thoughts

Apologies if you’ve received this post twice! In my excitement I mucked up the scheduling…. This one is the live link 🙂

I had a lovely day yesterday…..I went to a new cafe I’d never been to before and had a Cream Egg Brownie!

Wandered through Covent Garden and then accidentally stumbled across the HUGEST Paperchase I’d ever seen! Three whole floors of goodies!!!!

Well, as you can imagine, I was so overwhelmed that I came out with nothing, but, if The Hubsters reading this, I’d like a Paperchase voucher for my birthday please! Lol 😉

So last nights Faber class was the last one *all say awwwwww* Seriously, I’m quite sad 😦 But I can’t make up my mind if I’m a really good advert for their courses or a really bad one. I started the course with 65,000 words, by the middle of the course I had 24,000 and now I have 500! LMAO! Yeah, ok, this 500 are probably far better than the previous 89,000! My novel has gone from But Not Forgotten to The Last Word Cafe to Still and my structure has changed from 3rd person, to 1st person to both! 😉

Part of Saturdays session and most of last nights was about synopsis and pitch. We were given some examples of bad intro letters, bad synopsise and good ones. There aren’t really many tips I can pass on to you to be honest. I know, you’re disappointed right? The reason being is that our synopsises (spelling ??) are tailored to our Faber submission which will be going into the Anthology, which is then given to the agents. Last night we had to read them out and the feedback on mine was that it was too “facty” (is there such a word? Lol). I didn’t give enough information on how the past will affect the present and how my characters actually feel. Yeah, I can get that, but gawd only knows how I’m going to do it! 😉

So we ended up at the pub for a quick drink 🙂

I’ve got one more session at the Faber offices, a guest tutor and then we’re all meeting up (the students) a couple of times before we have to do our pitches in June.

So I guess I’ve got lots of work to do…..have to submit everything by the 19th April! *gulp*

I can highly recommend the course and Tim Lott has been a great tutor. But, it’s the guys on the course that have made it all worth while. Their advice, suggestions and support has been invaluable. I shall miss them so much.

So when I finally have my book published (notice I said when, not if) Anna, David, Gareth, Hannah, Janet, Jason, Linda, Marci, Michelle, Ros, Sam and of course, Tim, will all be in the acknowledgements 🙂

I hope you’ve enjoyed my little piece of Faber each week? I’ve enjoyed sharing 🙂
It’s been a ride, and I soooo, need a holiday! Lol….but first, there’s work to be done 🙂

28 thoughts on “Faber Session 28 – Notes and Thoughts

  1. Oh my looks like I may need another suitcase to take home if I take that excursion to Covent Garden.
    Vikki, if you still have time for a chat over tea next week, I’m on Facebook, just direct message me and we can coordinate plans


    • He he he 😉

      Covent Garden was freezing yesterday so make sure you bring plenty of warm clothing Cheryl 😉

      Yeah, still up for it, but didn’t realise this Monday is a Bank Holiday here, so not sure i can do that now 😦

      I know you’re busy Tuesday, how about Wednesday?

      Will try to find you on FaceBook…try to find me 🙂



  2. Ok, a Cyrene egg brownie?! Oh wow!!

    Alright, back to the writing. I don’t know about you, but that’s gone so fast from here. It’s been great hearing about it as you’ve gone along though and I’m thrilled you shared Vikki. Thank you.

    Wishing you so much luck with the submissions. Xx


    • It seems to be a new craze Rebecca. People on my FaceBook friends list have been baking them lol

      Its been 6 months! I started in October lol

      Awwww, youre very welcome honey, and thank you 🙂



  3. It does seem severe, the cull in words. But, as long as you are happy with what you are doing now and know what you want to do in future, that is far more important (than in having 89,000 words of a novel that ain’t going nowhere…).
    Good luck with all that follows and we have definitely enjoyed reading about your Faber impressions (and the cakes! and stationery!)


    • I think, IMO Marina, theres no point in keep trying to change something. Its often easier to just start again 🙂 Those 89,000 words were a learning curve lol

      You’re very welcome, and thanks honey 🙂

      There will still be cake! lol



    • Awwww, so am i Bridget. I was considering doing another course, but ive decided that i will probably go down the mentoring route. Im worried that now ive no longer got a course or something to be accountable to, i’ll slip back to not really doing much 😦

      Thanks honey….maybe one day 😉



  4. Thanks for sharing your Faber course with us Vikki, you are so generous and honest; is a privilege to know you. Good luck with the novel, I hope the course has been helpful.xx


  5. Glad you enjoyed your course so much and sorry it’s over. I have enjoyed you sharing bits of what you learned. The brownie looked wonderful…till I read about the egg, I thought it was a toasted marshmallow on top. Best wishes on working on your novel. You’ll get there. 🙂


  6. I love your pics – that one of the book store is perfect. We’ve all gotten something out of your classes. What I’ve found is I don’t realise til later when I go to write something just how much I’ve learned.
    You’ve got your work cut out for you with the pitches and I assume the A-Z Challenge in April.
    Knowing you, it will all get completed
    6 months – long time – you’ll go through withdrawal


  7. I’ve really enjoyed these Faber posts! Thanks for sharing all these bits of writerly wisdom with us! And the cakes lol! I’m sure you’ll sort out your synopsis and query letter, keep at it!


  8. The plural is “synopses” 🙂
    They’re really interesting and informative the Faber session posts I’ve read since discovering your blog. I must go back and read the all the other sessions. Thanks. They’re a great share.


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