The 30 Day Writing Challenge

Well, I’m still recovering from Swanwick and have lots to think about over the coming week. What way to go with my novel “Still” and exactly how to go about implementing all the suggestions given to me on “Tangled” by the RNA.

You may remember recently I said I was bored with my blog? Well I did lol….but I’ve stumbled across Chrys Fey’s 30 Day Writing Challenge and I’m going to give it a go šŸ™‚ I won’t be doing the whole thing over 30 Days though, I’ll probably post a couple a week and in the meantime there won’t be a To Do List on Mondays…all say awwww.

Speaking to Kate McCormick last week she was telling me about her daily writing schedule. Kate works on different projects throughout the day and allocates time slots for each one. Even if shes really getting into something and comes to the end of the time slot, she stops.

I’m not sure my weekly to do list is working for me anymore. I think I need to do one every evening, plan what needs to be done the following day, as I’ve been finding that I’m crossing less and less off the list lol.

These are the things I need to do every day and that’s not including the food shopping, laundry, errands and general ‘housey’ stuff!

Perhaps I’ll have to split the week up and work on the novels on separate days?

Today I’m off up to London to meet a fellow Blogger for lunch (very exciting!) and then I’m off to a Faber group meet. As usual, it’s all go šŸ˜‰

Any tips/suggestions on a daily writing schedule would be much appreciated! I just don’t seem to be able to focus these days.

30 thoughts on “The 30 Day Writing Challenge

  1. I still have yet to make a daily writing schedule, but I should! I shy away from too much order, but you’ve made some good points about needing an effective way to organize writing projects. I think we all need to do some trial and error in order to make one that works for us. Hope both of your meetings went well!


  2. I do my To Do list in general and then nightly for the next day. I never get it all done.
    Thatā€™s nice still meeting with Faber group šŸ˜€
    BUT I cannot imagine time slots for different writing projects and when time is up then stop work on that project. And thatā€™s all Iā€™ll say otherwise Iā€™ll rant.


    • Sue, people work in different ways and so what suits one person is going to sound horrific to someone else. I have a background in scientific writing and production management. When I switched to creative writing, I tried to leave the structure behind, but found I worked much better within timeframes. But they are self-imposed, so I can bust out of them when I want to. It wouldn’t work for everyone – but it works for me.

      Kate (aka Elizabeth)


  3. I think you’re pretty organised. But yes, maybe bringing them down into smaller chunks is more manageable. I’m not organised. I have a mini to-do list that is rarely stuck to unless something on it is urgent. You do need to be happy though or you’ll get nowhere.


  4. It supoosed to be better to do to-do lists the night before (work sent me on a time management course a few weeks ago and I’m trying to use it to organise my own writings schedule). The other two good bits of information I got from thatw as to break the big tasks down into smaller chunks to make them less frightening and to always do the thing that you don’t want to do first.
    I find that with writing I have to give myself time limits too otherwise I can spend forever on jkust one thing.
    I wish I had enough time in my day to work on more than one writing project. Sigh.


    • Thanks Debbie, I think you’re right!

      I’m not sure I’m going to be able to work on more than one project in a day, I might have to split the week up and have certain days for certain projects. It all seems so strict, but I know if I don’t do something like this I won’t get ANYTHING done šŸ˜¦



  5. I love a TDL but it has to be realistic with realistic timescales and clear goals. There are 6 items on my TDL for today, five smaller items and one big one. I’m stating with the biggest because after that the rest will be plain sailing (should that be plane or plain?).
    The book ‘Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time’ by Brian Tracy really helps to focus and prioritise.
    Of course the other deciding factor for prioritisation is money. Which tasks pay and which tasks pay the most!


  6. Vikki, this was an excellent post. I am right there with you. On the blog, maybe give it a facelift to signify your new start? Not that your theme is bad but I just did it myself and it helped to change things up after 2 years! Best of luck on the 30 days!


  7. Vicky,
    I’ve never liked the idea of a timetable at home as I’ve wanted to be flexible. But over the last few days I’ve been thinking if I’m so flexible I’m not getting anything done. I’m wondering about selecting a theme for each day of the week and I concentrate on tasks related to the theme. There is not much writing on my task list as that is mostly packed away at the moment, but I would like to get some more blog posts written.


    • Hi honey šŸ™‚

      I’ve tried a “timetable” too and it didn’t work šŸ˜¦ But you’ve hit the nail on the head, I have EXACTLY the same problem! I admire writers who go to their desk at 9am and do it like a full time job, but I’m guessing they must have housekeepers and someone to do their chores lol

      Ahhhhh, a theme, yeah, that’s an interesting idea. Thanks honey and good luck! Xx


  8. I don’t make a list. Instead, I say that from Monday through to Friday I’ll work on my novel from 11 a.m. through to 3.30 p.m. with a half-hour lunch break in the garden (weather and time of year permitting). This doesn’t mean that I can’t be flexible or won’t take a few hours off to socialise, but that arrangement of my time is an ideal to aim towards, without letting myself get irritable or feel a failure if it isn’t achieved. Housework, dog-walking, telephone calls, and the occasional penning of competition entries (usually right up to the deadline) get done prior to 11 a.m. Blogging and social networking gets done after 3.30 p.m. or on a Saturday morning.

    Vikki, you are a veritable dynamo. I couldn’t stretch myself in as many directions as you or commit myself to blogging challenges — as much as I’d like to do so. It would stress me and put me in a total windup, turning interests into a burden. Good on you, achieving as much as you do. And, even if you’re bored with your blog, your followers most definitely are not. xox


    • Thanks Sarah šŸ™‚

      I’m glad you’ve found something that works for you.

      Ha ha ha, I think I get bored easily, so I need to mix it up. I’m like a spoilt child when it comes to my novels, stamping my foot and saying “but I don’t want to edit, don’t like it!” and that’s not getting me ANYWHERE! Lol

      So you’re ok taking time off for our lunch? šŸ˜‰



      • Dear Vikki, I’m definitely ok with taking time off for lunch. In fact, I intend to take the whole day off writing, so however early you arrive, that’s cool with me. Really looking forward to meeting you:-)


  9. Schedules are such an issue – but something is needed to insure there is time for writing. I write in the morning – and try not to even think about reading/commenting/answering comments until writing is done – those drain energy, but can be done later. Alternate days works pretty well…until a really good idea pops up on the wrong day…
    Let us know if you find the answer!


    • Thanks honey šŸ™‚

      I love writing in the mornings, but, I hate supermarket shopping in the afternoon even less, plus, I often cook things that need a couple of hours, so most mornings are taken up with that *pouts*

      Why is life so blooming complicated? Lol

      I’ll let you know if I come up with a full proof method šŸ˜‰



  10. My writing plan is always evolving, but lately I have decided to allocate less time to my WIP. So I set my timer once a day for a 90 minute jam session and keep on working without stopping or being distracted by the internet and I get so much done, it isn’t funny. I actually tried this for house work and still can’t believe the rooms I managed to make spotless. Sometimes the key is to just allocate less time of focused activity, hope this helps šŸ™‚


  11. Pingback: Goodreads #4 - darktea

  12. I tend to prioritize my life with events that happen that week and I need to do better. I think I will do a daily to do list for awhile and see if it makes me accomplish more. Lately I start the day running and finish on a sprint. Not too relaxing. In fact it’s stressing me out. Yes, I definitely need to do something different. šŸ™‚


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