My Fun Meet-up with Fellow Blogger, Vikki Thompson!

My trip down to the South Coast last week to meet up with the lovely Sarah 🙂

Sarah Potter Writes


Last Thursday, I had a fantastic get-together with fellow writer and blogger, Vikki Thompson. She left home at seven in the morning for our meet-up in my home town on the south coast, and my first sight of Vikki was of a most industrious writer sat at a table outside a café on the seafront, her head bent over a notepad, scribbling away, with a latte to sustain her.

I’ve known Vikki for about a year, on-line, and really love the chatty style of her writing blog.  She’s such a focused and motivated person with regard to writing, although she’d probably argue with that! I always knew we’d gel if ever we met up, so it was a delight to discover that, on a global scale. we lived around the corner from each other.

Seated outside the café, we succeeded in talking to each other non-stop for about five…

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8 thoughts on “My Fun Meet-up with Fellow Blogger, Vikki Thompson!

  1. Meeting up with a fellow blogger/writer is great. Spent two hours in a coffee shop with Tracy Fells (from the Literary Pig) just chatting about writing. In the time we were there, the quiet caf̩ had filled to capacity and emptied again. Amazing how long you can make a couple of coffees last! We are on the South Coast as well Vikki Рmaybe you could meet up with us next time.


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