Am I Really A Writing Retreat Type?

You may have noticed I’ve been a bit quiet? I’ve not been on FaceBook, I’m behind in replying to comments, e mails and reading blogs. I guess it was appropriate then, that at the end of a week where I’ve not been feeling too good, I should have a Mini Writing Retreat 🙂

On Saturday morning I made my way up the motorway to Shropshire (206 miles away) to attend Joanne Phillips book signing, and to meet the lady herself. In my excitement I didn’t take any photo’s but Jo is as lovely in person as she is on her blog 🙂

I now have the full JP collection 😉


It was The Hubster’s suggestion that I stay overnight, soooo, after a lovely lunch with Jo and her family it was back to the hotel, and the lovely large desk.


I’ve been away on my own (without The Hubster) a few times now, but never really alone, if you know what I mean. So this was a whole new experience!

I took a book and a couple of notebooks and ended up writing 24 pages by hand and reading a couple of chapters of my book. It was really relaxing, although I did miss the hustle and bustle of home. Don’t get me wrong, I like peace and quiet, but I also like to have a chat if I need it. So now I’m thinking the whole idea of a “writing retreat” on my own, for a week or a weekend probably isn’t the great idea I once thought it was ha ha ha…gawd, I’m such a home bird!

Still, I did enjoy walking round the grounds at 6.30 this morning and doing some writing outside 🙂


No Scrivener update, I’m behind on my lessons, so guess what I’ll be doing today?

Would you go on a writing retreat, on your own?

57 thoughts on “Am I Really A Writing Retreat Type?

  1. I love that you went out of your comfort zone and tried something new! Congratulations 🙂

    I have the luxury of living on my own so I have a writing retreat available to me whenever I want it bit there’s something unique about going away and submersing myself in new surroundings that can really help me push past a writing block. Perhaps it’s just the tidy, impersonal space and the fact that chores are done for me. No dishes to do, no laundry to wash and fold.

    I hope you go for a full weekend at some point. Even if you red more than you writer, that still counts 😉


    • Thanks honey 🙂 Yeah, it was a great experience…at least I tried it.

      I use to think how nice it would be to live on my own, but after the weekend, I’m not so sure lol, but yes, I’m with you on having someone else do all the chores and stuff 😉

      Thanks honey xx


  2. No, for various reasons. Last Monday to escape the painters you could say I went on a 6 hour writing retreat. I did write but then I goofed around and called some friends who live across the country. I often go out for lunch and read or edit. At home I need total quiet to write but I am perfectly happy editing in a restaurant with people all around me. Go figure. Your hotel looked lovely.


  3. No, probably not. I spend hours alone each day in writing anyway, and don’t seek out away places with strangers (preferring the introverted recluse aspect of my nature). I can edit and read and note-take or organise in public, preferring a bit of atmospheric noise for the background. English gardens are quieter than Australian ones, from memory – so as much as the grounds of your appeal on a visual plane, they’d probably have me overly aware of all my body noises in that silence.


  4. I think I might enjoy something like that, but in the long run, it’s the stolen moments that feel most delicious, don’t you think? Your room does look serene though …
    Okay, you talked me into it. 😉


  5. I would love to, in fact I’ve considered booking a £29 room at the local Premier inn. I might have to wait until the baby is weaned though.

    Until then, I’ll have to stick to McDs.


    • Not really June, but I’ll get there….eventually 😉

      Nope, I wouldn’t have got all that done if I’d been at home, or if I’d been with another writer, so I guess, yes, from that point of view it was very successful 🙂



  6. I think I probably would go on a writing retreat alone. I like to be in my own company and to do that writing is bliss. There is a point where I want to be back home though, so it have to be a short one 🙂


  7. I’d rather send the family away for a long weekend and have the house to myself for once. I can write better in my own study than anywhere else, but only if assured of no interruptions.


  8. Completely alone? Not sure about that, but the group of writers who share my blog are planning a writers weekend together next year, as a kind of retreat, if that counts? Hotel looks lovely and I hope it helped you perk up too. Look forward to hearing all about what you are working on now and good to see you getting stuck into the writing again. Jo xx


      • Just had live class and I was about 40 minutes late for the party, but they are supposed to be recorded…just won’t get to ask my question. See what I mean? Must have broke a heel today.


      • Good for you! See that is progress:)
        I have such a lame excuse. It was raining and I felt so sleepy after lunch, I laid down to get a quick nap and slept 2h 40 mins. Took me forever to realize my screen was oversized and that’s why I couldn’t find the enter chat button. They were wrapping up by the time I did, so I didn’t really get to participate. Oh well, next time.


      • That’s a shame 😦 I really struggled trying to figure out how to enter text and then I realised it was the little orange tab on the left and nothing to do with the large chat box that scrolls on the right *head desk* lol 😉

        Hopefully “see” you next week 😉



  9. My ideal situation would be a weekend away where my husband was doing something else during the day so I could write (if only he’d take up golf!) knowing that I’d have company in the evening. I don’t think I’d like to be all alone in reality, although I often fantasise! Nice to see you back!


    • Oh now THAT sounds perfect Linda 🙂

      The Hubster has a chess conference for the whole weekend in November, but unfortunately, he’s going with his chess buddy *pouts* Maybe I can muscle in on the next one 😉

      Thanks honey xx


  10. Hi Vikki, Your Hubster is one in a million. The surroundings obviously tickled your writing/reading buds, so crack on with the BIG book. One thing is sure, it won’t write itself. Go for it gal, you can do it!


  11. It was absolutely amazing to meet you Vikki, and I was beyond touched that you came all that way for the signing – and chose little old Whitchurch for your retreat 🙂 I’ve just emailed you a photo xxx Jo


  12. You have such a sweet husband and sounds like you wrote quite a bit. I’d love to do a short writer’s retreat. I know I’d never be up for a week. I’m quite a homebody myself, but wouldn’t mind a little focused quiet time to write.


  13. I don’t think I’d get much writing done if I went on a retreat on my own — as much as I might moan at home about people disturbing me when I’m working! Prefer to be in my familiar safety zone to create.

    Hope you’re feeling better. Don’t like to think of you being down. xoxo


    • Im with you there Sarah 🙂

      Awww, thanks honey. I was feeling so good yesterday morning, but by the evening id virtually lost my voice, and this morning the cold has come on BIG TIME 😦 Perhaps i need some vitamins 😉



      • I swear by a herb called Astragalus. It helps strengthen the immune system, which in turn speeds up recovery from colds or flu. For me, it’s much better than echinacea, which makes me itch like crazy.

        Of course, the other thing that helps one find a lost voice again, is to stop speaking 😉

        Vitamin-wise, take D, especially as you’re not someone who can sit in the sun, as you won’t have built up the same reserves over the summer as other people. I’m not convinced by the Vit C theory re colds, although a little of it plus Zinc wouldn’t go amiss. Sometimes I’ve taken Zinc lozenges for my throat, although they’re a bit strong.

        Chicken soup with garlic is good, too, but of the gruel variety rather than with any added cream or milk.

        Poor you D: Hope you have a speedy recovery.



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