Will You Be Nanoing This Year?

Well, if it just happens to have escaped your notice, NaNoWriMo 2013 starts this Friday!

Again this year I’ll be ML’ing and attempting to take part…

But firstly, some apologies, and an announcement…


I am so sorry that I’m still behind with blog reading, commenting, and replying to comments. I do have a good reason though…I’m moving house! Yep, on the 31st, this coming Thursday! ARGHHHH!

I’m still in shock, it’s happened a bit quick, but has been on the cards since June. I’ve got so much to do that my head is spinning, and what with Nano, I’ve decided to take a month off from blogging. I need to, if I have any chance whatsoever of hitting the 50k this year.

So I’ll be back in December, and I may even blog every day that month, as there will be so much to tell you, especially as I’ll have my own study *squeals* 🙂

So, good luck if you’re taking part. I’ll probably be on FaceBook if you want to keep in touch, and just pray for me that we can get the Internet sorted out at the new place without too much hassle.

Have a good month, I’ll miss you 😦

30 thoughts on “Will You Be Nanoing This Year?

  1. Best of luck. I am not a fan of NaNo. Throwing 50 k worth of words in a month seems to stress quanity over quality. Discipline can be learned without learning bad writing habits. But that is just me. Great success with your dreams.


  2. I’ve got to I want to and I MUST finish my second romance novel this year, and hopefully if enough people buy my first romance endeavor, a YA Paranormal/Time Travel/First Kiss romance novel entitled “I Kissed a Ghost”, I can start the process of getting it self-published. Best of Luck on your NANO endeavor this year.


  3. Good luck with the move hon! I’ll keep an eye on you via the NaNo website and give you a pep talk if you need it (read – kick up the ass) but with everything going on don’t put too much pressure on yourself. I’ll miss your posts, but think you’ve made the sensible decision.
    Take care, Cat x


  4. Best of luck with the move! And how wonderful, you’ll soon have a room of your own! 🙂 As for NaNo – yes, I’m doing it again thisyear. See you there!


  5. I am thinking about giving NANO a go this year not putting to much pressure on myself though would be great to do it if I don’t will let me know what I will be in for next time lol


  6. Oooh may you live in exciting times, eh? Huge congratulations on the move, and good luck with it all. While I’ll miss you, I’ll no doubt still be here waiting for you to return in December. Meanwhile ~ happy packing, unpacking, and NaNoing! XXX


  7. I won’t likely be taking part in NaNo, but I do hope to finish my short story by early December, so I could use the month of November to really up my daily word count. I look forward to seeing you back to blogging in December. Good luck with NaNo. Happy writing. xx


  8. Eeek! You’re moving and writing 50k and helping out as ML?! I wish you luck and many, many happy words! I’m doing NaNo too, (wouldn’t miss it for anything! ) and will be thinking of you and cheering you onward, as you are on my buddy list there. 🙂


  9. Well I’m a bit late to this party. Just dropping by. No NaNo for me, I cannot even get time to maintain a blog lately. Oh the joys of a busy job.

    Hope your house move went well. Did you really do a Scrivener post? How many times did I mention that to you a year or so ago? Well glad you got it in the end. Great isn’t it. Have fun with the month of NaNo.


  10. And I’ve just given a talk on Nano Tourism – I’m sure they’ll be a connection. I’ll probably discover a BookCrossing tome (albeit little) on the subject in some airport lounge as I leave the UK. But I’ll be back virtually to catch up with your December blogs once you are unpacked. 🙂 Have fun. Grant


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