When The Going Gets Tough…

…the tough get going, or, they crumple in a heap in the corner. Well, thats been me these past couple of months.

Ive been proppa poorly. Tests, meds, tests, different meds, and they still don’t really know whats wrong with me. But enough of that! I didn’t come here to talk about my current shitty existence. I came here to talk about… *drum roll*…yep, you guessed it…NANOWRIMOOh come on, you know what it is, you must have been living under a rock these past few years if you have to ask me in the comments exactly what it is.









So, we are now under 1 week away from starting, and this will be my 3rd year as an ML. I had all these plans (well, not physical plans, I’m a pantster) in my head, what novel i was gong to write, characters sorted, and then, i just stopped writing. I haven’t picked up a pen since August, and this current health crap makes it difficult to type for long periods of time *sighs*

Sooooo, what to do? Am i worried? Totally lol…well, i was until a couple of days ago when i came up with an idea. I loved doing the A-Z Challenge back in April where i did a piece of fiction for every letter of the alphabet, soooo, why can’t i do that for Nano? Yeah, see where I’m going with this? A short story a day…each one 1667 words (or more) long. I can do that right? I wrote a story a day every day through 2012 so this should be a dodle, shouldn’t it?


But where to get the inspiration from? I don’t want to do the random word a day thingy, been there, done that *yawns* So i have a week…well, in theory 5 days to come up with inspiration for the inspiration lol…wish me luck 🙂

Are you doing Nano this year and if so, what will you be writing?


38 thoughts on “When The Going Gets Tough…

  1. I just saw a sign for Nano at the library this past week and thought about it. I have sometimes participated partially in it, but never full out. I don’t know that I have a full length book in me. I have bits and pieces of what I would like to be a novel, but I have no idea how to put it together. I like your idea though. Maybe one of those shorter stories can turn into a full length one later?!? Excellent idea. Sorry to hear about your health. I hope one of the tests and meds combos turns out to be the elixir.


    • Thanks honey 🙂 Im a little bit the same, the novels that i have written have completely exhausted me, but at the same time I’ve never really thought of myself as a short story writer. Perhaps a novella is the answer.

      And like i say to everyone, it doesn’t matter what you write, Nano is all about getting you to write SOMETHING. So even if you only manage 5,000 words during November, its still 5,000 words you didn’t have in October 😉



  2. It’s so nice to see you back again Vikki. I’m really sorry to hear you’ve been poorly and I hope they sort the problem out soon for you. Very best of luck with NaNoWriMo.
    xxx Massive Hugs xxx


  3. Hi Vikki,
    Happy to know you’re still NaNoing. I want to come to some of the write-ins this year. How about you write your stories with the same central character. What happened on the 1st Nov, what happened on the 2nd Nov etc, etc, ’til you get to the 30th! There’s your 30 stories/chapters. See easy-peasy. You can do it honey!
    love Sue X


  4. Hi Vikki,
    Happy to know you are still NaNo-ing. I want to come to some of the write-ins this year. Your could write a story every day about the same central character. What happened on the 1st November, what happened on the 2rd November and so on ’til the 30th! There’s your 30 stories/chapters/novel. You can do it honey!
    love Sue X


  5. Great to hear you are back in the writing seat. How about using time as a theme:- days of the week (7), months of the year (12), 12 hours in the day (12 duh). That adds up to 31 I think so one too many…you could ditch one of the hours, but then you’d probably starting thinking compulsively about the hour you weren’t going to write about. I would be intrigued by a story titled Wednesday or October or 3am….


  6. Sorry to hear about your health problems – here’s wishing you imminent clarification and resolution! I think that’s a good idea for NaNoWriMo (although it sounds like quite a challenge to me – 30 different story ideas – not sure if I could come up with that). Good luck and don’t be too hard on yourself!


  7. It’s lovely to have you back posting Vikki. We missed you! But I am sorry to hear about your ongoing health problems and hope you/ the medics find a solution/treatment plan very soon. Love that you are doing Nano again. Not sure that I will this year for a few different reasons, though your idea of writing a short story a day sounds good! 🙂


    • Hi Edith 🙂

      Awwwww, thanks honey….i never really realised (spupidly) how pain can affect you emotionally, how draining it can be for your head. But i know NOW lol

      Go for it honey! Im going to use it to try to get back to writing again. I just haven’t had the enthusiasm for it these last couple of months, so hoping this will help.



  8. Hope your feeling better soon. The short story idea for NaNo sounds good. A central theme sounds good then you don’t have to think of a totally different idea. What about something pretty general like love or loneliness? I like the central character someone came up with or time. I haven’t written much recently but I’m having a go at NaNo. I’m trying something different, I think. I’ll help cheer you on. My pom poms are ready.


  9. I’m sure you have prompt books around that could get you through the 30 days, in case you can’t think of something on a given day. Sounds like a good idea… that was the approach I took the last couple of times I did NaNo.

    Last year, I decided “NaNoNoMore” and usually do blogging challenges instead. That’s where I’m at these days…

    Do you have your A-Z theme yet?


    • I have LOADS of prompt books John lol

      I love that NaNoNoMore…brilliant!

      An A-Z theme,,,immmmm, nope, its only October so i have plenty of time to think about that by next April…or is there another one going on i don’t know about?

      Thanks honey xx


  10. So sorry to hear you’ve been poorly 😦 You know where I am if you need a chat. Having Nano to get involved in might give you a boost, but do be gentle with yourself. Inspiration … how about fairy stories with a twist? You’d take various well known fairy stories and rewrite an aspect from them from the point of view of one of the characters. And let your imagination go wild, change the settings etc. I think your idea of Nano-ing short stories is brilliant. I’ll be kick starting my MA novel, and I’m determined to complete Nano this year for the first time ever 🙂 x


    • Thanks Jo, its not been great, and I’m so paranoid with boring my friends about it, to the point where i hardly even go on FaceBook anymore…people are sick of my whining status updates lol. Thats a really great idea…have you seen the TV show Grimm? Oh wow, if only i’d thought of THAT. They use a different Grimm Fairy Story for each episode, its brilliant!

      Ooooo, you’re doing Nano! Brilliant! Don’t forget to buddy me on the site (angelchildvikki) so i can see how you’re getting on 🙂

      Good luck to you too honey xx


  11. Im doing nanowrimo this year (Ele here) in attempts to motivate myself with the Ma novel. My plots changed around a bit -the protagonist and other character remain the same but the story now follows Terri’s search for her mother, which takes her on a backpacking tour through Spain. Feel free to add me as a writing buddy on nano: wintermuse.


  12. I’ve never done NaNo – and the daily quota is more than I normally could manage in a day – but I am tempted to try as I haven’t written for so long. Good luck with yours, Vikki – and I’m sorry you’ve been poorly for so long. I really hope they either get to the bottom of it soon or your symptoms start to ease off. Hug xx


  13. I wasn’t going to do Nano, but you’ve reminded me that one year I completed the word count in short stories and article drafts. Maybe I’ll have another bash at that.


  14. Sorry to hear you’re not well, Vikki. Hope the mystery is solved soon!
    I admire you for tackling NaNo when sick, I did it last year and exhausted myself so am having a year off – unless I have an idea and get tempted in the next couple of days …


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