All About “Me”

Hi and welcome to my Blog šŸ™‚


I live in Kent UK (although I’m a proud born and bred Lundunna lol) with my hubby, 3 kids (kids? They’re actually adults) our 2 cats and Pug.

This blog is primarily about my writing, a record of my journey. Hints and tips, stuff ive done, and any info i find interesting that could help me write fantastic prose lol. I finished studying a creative writing course with the OCA in April 2012 and in July 2012 I finished an online Pocket Novel Course with Sally Quilford In October 2012 I started a Novel Writing Course with The Faber Academy and I graduated in April 2013

I’m currently studying with The Writers Bureau.

Please don’t chastise me for spelling mistakes and grammatical errors, I tend to write in exactly the same way as I talk, dropping the odd ‘t’ and ‘h’ as I go. All fiction that appears is in first draft form. I rarely edit unless it’s going to be submitted.

I only started writing in 2010, and now, I’m a total addict! Lol….it’s completely taken over my life, and my dining room table lol

Ive “won” 3 years on the trot, Nanowrimo, so i now have a 65,000 word unfinished novel, a 50,000 word completed novella, both of which need editing and rewriting, at some point in the future. In 2012 i tried my hand at a Mills & Boon (got 20,000 words of it) and finished up writing short stories for the other 30,000 words. I’ve been a CoML for my area since 2012.

I have 3 other WordPress blogs, plus one on Blogger which i used to use for my actual writing, and OCA work…..
The View Inside Unfortunately, I won’t be posting any new entries on there in the near future, but I never say never šŸ˜‰

You can also find my artwork on Flickr, but im afraid most of the stuff is private so you’ll have to friend me if you want to see more šŸ˜‰
My Flickr Page

I’m a BookCrosser šŸ˜‰ My bookshelf is under my most used username, AngelChild, and I’m on Goodreads and FaceBook (thanks in part to the iPhone lol). Oh, and on Twitter I’m @vikkithomp

I’m on my 2nd year as a member of the Romantic Novelists Association’s New Writer Scheme.

My daughter is a hair stylist, so my hair colour changes with the seasons, I wear black nail polish and I love animals.


There, i think thats it šŸ™‚ Anything else you want to know, please ask, you can contact me by e mail at angelchildvikki at g mail dot com

Thanks for visiting, and please comment if you like any posts šŸ™‚




56 thoughts on “All About “Me”

  1. I’ve only recently found you via the Insecure Writers’ Support Group, but I like all that I’ve read of you so far. So, in the hope that I am not duplicating anything or causing you too much extra work, I would like to nominate you for a Beautiful Blogger Award. Because you are special to me and I always look forward to reading your updates.


  2. Hi Vikki,
    I have just found out about Nanowrimo. I line in Kent and I am wondering of anything is happening in our part of the world or, indeed, if we could make it happen?
    Sara Alexi


  3. Pingback: New Year Promises « The struggle to be a writer that writes

  4. Vikki, I wanted to let you know that I have included you in a blog post for tomorrow. The idea is to bring my blog audience to you. I think my readers would also enjoy your blog. I hope you have an opportunity to tell us about your work in progress.
    What is your working title of your book (or story)?
    Where did the idea come from for the book?
    What genre does your book fall under?
    Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
    What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
    Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
    How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
    What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
    Who or what inspired you to write this book?
    What else about your book might pique the readerā€™s interest?


  5. You know I love you! Your blog really keeps me going. I donā€™t know how you feel about blogging awards. From what Iā€™ve heard, some people like them, some donā€™t, but Iā€™ve been nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger award. The requirements are that I nominate other bloggers, so tag, youā€™re it! You can find the details here:

    Keep up the good work!


  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love the about pages and yours is full of energy! I love it! I see you’re a NaNoWriMo addicted as well…that’s good! I’ll see you there as well then!


    • Thanks honey, I’m glad you found me too! šŸ™‚

      Very interesting, i learnt so much!!!!! If you search my blog for the tag “Faber” you’ll see i blogged about each session every week.



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