Creativity Kick Up The…..

A break from the A-Z Challenge lol. I’m enjoying it, but, at the same time I’ve put a lot of pressure on myself for this month, especially as I have a million and one other writing things that need doing πŸ˜‰

I’m wondering what I will do with these 26 people at the end of April. So my May challenge may be to connect them all (daisy chain style) a bit like Jonathan Kemp’s 26 or 253 by Geoff Ryman πŸ™‚

I attended a Writing Workshop with Vanessa Gebbie recently where we played a game called “Writing Cricket” which was so much fun!

You’ll need to do it in a group or with at least one other person (who isn’t writing). We started writing with an initial prompt, then, Vanessa called out random words which we had to use in our story.

We began with out of the shadows then every 2 or 3 minutes, she called out the following list of words:


You can use variations on those words, ie leather, partially or jealousy. The whole exercise took 20 minutes and although I ended up with pins and needles in my hand, I also ended up with a pretty good scene of a story, about a guy having a argument with his girlfriend.

Trying to fit the word “lemon” suddenly thrown at me when my character was sitting on a beach at midnight was a challenge I can tell you lol

This is definitely an exercise I will be trying to convince my writing group to adopt πŸ™‚

Vanessa was lovely, so i just had to buy her books πŸ™‚


I’m attending another one if her Workshops on the 21st of April, so I’m looking forward to that πŸ™‚

Soooo, today’s prompt about a candlelight vigil turned into the start of a story about a woman who’s husband died by a tree and there are people there holding a vigil. I’ve not quite decided yet what happened to him, but whatever it is, his wife holds the community responsible. Today’s prompt is write about small regrets which shouldn’t be too hard now should it πŸ˜‰

13 thoughts on “Creativity Kick Up The…..

  1. Sounds a fun exercise. I vaguely recall that I did something like this about 18 to 20 years ago, and had forgotten all about it. I think you can do a variation of this on your own by generating a word list say 30 words, printing and dividing it up. You then pick out some at random at various times, e.g. 10 for each story. It’s better when someone else does it obviously, because you have no knowledge at all, of what words you will get. It must have been a great class.


      • You’re up kind of early! – That video might have some large blank spots during the period people need to write, giving room for some idiots to not understand and comment “this video sucks, there are loads of parts where like, nothing happens”.


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