You Lucky Lucky People!

I’m having so much fun, interviewing people I connect with through my Blog πŸ™‚

Today we have the lovely CC, who’s blog ccarothers is a mixture of fiction, poetry and observations. A place where she can be creative in whichever form she chooses πŸ™‚

I interviewed CC and she kindly answered my questions and provided a couple of photographs πŸ™‚


How did you know you wanted to be a writer?
Good question. I guess it’s when my need to express myself in story form became hard to ignore. I was messing around writing short stories and found I loved being creative in that way. My life makes better sense to me if I fictionalize the parts I don’t understand. If that makes any sense at all.

What genre do you write in?
Romance. I like to dabble in erotic romance as well. Both genres get a bad rap, but are awesome because you get your happy ending (usually). We need that.

Do you have a writing schedule, whats your normal writing day?
No schedule. If I’m sitting in my office and an idea strikes me, I write. In the morning when I first wake up seems to be when my brain is the most open. I tend to have a lot of ideas. But overall, I write whenever I get the itch to do so.

What’s the best writing environment for you – where you write?
My bedroom! Ha! My bed is comfortable and it’s my favorite place to be in my house.


Who inspires you?
To write or in general? My mother inspires me to be someone with fortitude.

If you were to be compared to another author, who’s work would yours most resemble?
Um… I can’t think of any author in particular. I’m sure I’m in no way unique in the way I write, but can’t pinpoint an author.

Tell us about your current WIP book?
It’s about a pirate! Haha. It’s probably more of an erotic historical romance. A young, unmarried woman is sent to America because she’s headstrong and smart mouthed. She’s shipwrecked along the way and captured by a pirate. It’s an interesting captivity for her.
Trying to get it all on paper. My muse is fickle. It’s funny, but this story started as a 100 word prompt and morphed into something bigger. I like when that happens.

A huge thank you to CC for being my guest. Please pop over to her wonderful blog and say “Hi”

I have to admit that I haven’t really explored the whole idea of writing in bed….I will definitely be trying it πŸ™‚ Have you ever tried writing in bed?

12 thoughts on “You Lucky Lucky People!

  1. I opened up my reader and was like, “hey! That’s my face!” Thank you! I’m afraid I’m not terribly interesting, but I appreciate the opportunity. And try writing in bed, it’s quite nice. πŸ™‚


    • Lol, I should have warned you shouldn’t I? Lol….but then, the problem was I kept changing my mind on a date lol.

      CC, there is no way you’re boring….people on,y have to visit your blog to realise that!!!!! and I hope they do πŸ™‚

      I will definitely try writing in bed, especially as you’re not alone in finding it the ideal place to write πŸ™‚



    • No judging! I find you and what you have to offer interesting…and you must also on some level to want to share. No judging! Just be, share, and write, write, write in bed! (well, among other things!:))


  2. I read in bed but have never tried writing there.
    The comment about fictionalising things to help understand them does make sense to me. Sometimes I base a character on someone I know partly as a way of seeing things from their POV.


  3. I couldn’t write in bed as I’d be too tempted to have a quick nap or get up to some other kind of mischief. I’m with Patsy–writing is sometimes a way to explore someone else’s life–maybe find some compassion for them–or not.


  4. What a nice idea to help us get to know on another a little more. I’ve been contemplating this whole concept of a virtual community, network, relationships, and I’m beginning to, slowly, warm up to the idea. Thank you!


  5. Writing in bed is a guilty pleasure for me. In the winter, nothing beats curling up under the electric blanket with a cup of hot cocoa and my laptop. Sometimes I like to write until my eyes almost fall closed, so that I might someday write in my sleep. I wonder what I might write if I were dreaming …
    So, yes, I love to write in bed!
    And I love the guests you have. Very interesting people!


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