Feeling Loved

I’ve now got over 270 followers. Inside I’m jumping up and down like a small child who’s just been promised a chocolate bar. Thank you thank you thank you 🙂 I am still surprised that people actually want to read my ramblings lol *blush*

But….I’m the sort of person who suffers huge guilt over the tiniest things *frowns*. So what am I feeling guilty about? Following back 😦

Ok, I follow 245 WordPress blogs and about 50 Blogspot blogs. So if the blogger has updated their blog I get an e mail every day. So some days it’s not unusual for me to get 100+ emails. Blog updates I want to read and respond to. I so value the advice, support and comments I receive on my blog posts. I know how much it means to feel that someone has read your words.

My husband said to me last week “You need to decide, are you a writer or a blogger?” I pouted, I want both *stamps foot* But he’s right, I cant really have both can I?

I love chatting to my followers, visiting their blogs, learning, growing, but I just can’t physically follow back every single person who follows me, and that makes me sad 😦

Soooo, this post it just to say sorry. To the people who follow me, who I don’t follow back. I really do appreciate your support and comments, and will always reply to any comments you leave here 🙂 I will try to visit your blogs on a regular basis, I promise.

So tell me, How do you cope? How many blogs do you follow? Are you a writer or a blogger? 😉

From Cartoon Church

Would love some advice guys 🙂

71 thoughts on “Feeling Loved

  1. I’m with you. There is no way I can follow everyone nor can I comment on everyone’s blogs. Thankfully, many bloggers I follow don’t post every day so it makes it easier for me to bounce around and see what’s going on. That doesn’t even begin to account for time I’m checking out new blogs and new Twitter and Facebook followers. I don’t want to get into a place where I have 10,000 followers but I don’t know any of them. I’d rather have 500 and touch base with all of them on a fairly regular basis.

    I had to cut back on my blogging because it was hindering my writing. It’s just the way it had to go. I, too, feel bad I can’t talk to everyone, but until I can learn to clone 3 or 4 of me, I can only do what I can do. It’s sad but true. I hope you find a happy medium and I’m sure everyone will understand. I know I do.


    • Thanks Jenny 🙂

      I totally agree! I love chatting to my followers, so would rather have fewer and actually build relationship with them.

      Yeah, perhaps cutting back is the answer, but I’m stubborn. I set myself a goal on the first of January to blog every day for the year, ummmm, yeah, perhaps that was unrealistic lol



  2. I am in the same spot you are and follow a lot of blogs – but sometimes if a blogger has several posts — I choose one for that day and comment — I think if you comment on your favourites every few days that is good –but even that can be a lot. I am learning along with you. There are some blogs that show up, such as yours, that I immediately read, and others that I may not be as faithful to. I always make sure that I check out the blogs of those who “like” my stuff or make a comment. But like you, I am a writer and must covet that time. The blogging world is so very interesting though.


  3. I feel your pain. I feel soooo, soooo bad for not following people back, as it is wonderful to support other writers. Like you, I always reply to comments and I do my best to check out their blog and leave comments, but it’s true that we all need a limit to the number of blogs we follow if we want to get some serious writing done. *Pouts* I want to have both, too!


  4. I know what you mean! For me, I’m a writer first, and a blogger second. I do my best to keep up with my blog, and some other blogs. But, let’s face it, there are so many other writing blogs out there that I would love to follow and comment on, but I just don’t have the time. I love supporting other writers, and I love that they support me back. But I need time to actually work on being a WRITER. You can follow other blogs and comments and like all day and night, but that won’t get you published. It may get your name out to a LOT of blogs, but if you have nothing to offer, then you just have a lot of really good writing friends.
    Don’t get me wrong, that is a WONDERFUL thing. But, we all want to be successful writers. And in order to do that we need to be writers, and then bloggers.


  5. First off, congrats on all those followers! It sure is nice to see that someone who puts the time in and has great content like you rising to the top of the heap.
    I get where you’re coming from though. I’ve already cut back to three times a week, and three times a month on that ‘other’ blog, and am still having trouble putting in the time. I think it’s a learning process to find balance between being active and visible, and actually having time to produce a great book.
    I’m confident you’ll get there!


  6. Focus on your writing and make blogging your favourite hobby! 🙂
    Congrats on the follows and in my opinion, there really isn’t an obligation to follow if you feel that you’re swamped. Most definitely we can’t read every single blog but I follow up with them once every month or so. Sometimes my reader plays tricks and I miss out on several posts. And when I re-visit the blog I’ll get many pleasant surprises on interesting content that makes my day! 🙂 Take your time to find the balance, and keep writing/blogging – whichever makes you happy!


  7. Same problem here. I’m a writer, but the blogging seems a part of the package. I couldn’t deal with all the emails, so I read them in the readers. It’s all about balance. Not easy, but. Can be done.


    • Thanks Holly, I’m so glad I’m not alone! 🙂

      Then there’s FaceBook, Twitter, Pinterest lol…..

      Yeah, Ive been thinking that I should just read them in a reader, rather than get the e mails. Thanks honey, I will definitely think about that 🙂



      • It’s been the best decision. A real time saver. I put them in a reader then spammed them from my email. It’s easier to read and to comment. You don’t have to open each one individually. They were getting to be like those furbies from Star Trek…taking over my email, driving me crazy.


  8. It’s your own fault for being such a brilliant blogger 🙂 I have a newsletter people can sign up for so now that if they do need to unfollow me at least they don’t lose touch completely (I won’t be offended if you unfollow) 🙂
    You could also try following your favourite blogs via RSS, on Google reader maybe, rather than by email. That way your inbox isn’t clogged up and you can visit the reader and see what’s happening when it’s convenient for you.
    x Jo


    • Ha ha ha, thanks Jo 🙂

      Lol, nooooo, I won’t be up following any of the blogs I already follow, no way 🙂

      Yeah, perhaps a reader is the answer…. At the moment I have 170 unread e mails in my inbox!

      I really don’t know how “authors” cope. Keeping up an online presence, answering fan e mails etc etc. I guess the very successful ones have people who do all that for them don’t they?

      I need a PA lol



  9. Well done Vikki,I got stuck getting over 200 subscribers and as my posting has reduced since then it has reduced further.

    I am subscribed to 235 blogs/websites in Google Reader. I normally have ‘spare’ time when I’m out and about to review the reader when I’m out and about. I don’t read every post, just the ones where the title interests me, so in the last 30 days I’ve read 100 posts and starred another 105 to read later. I also pick up some posts through Facebook, but again I don’t read all of them.


      • I guess I got distracted when I wrote my comment and put two halves of different sentences together so it only just makes sense. I was trying to say that I have Google Reader on my phone and I normally use that to review the blogs I follow, when I’m out and about.

        Another good thing with Google Reader is it automatically marks posts as read after 30 days, so it reduces the backlog and guilt 😉


  10. I have a few favourite bloggers who I read religiously, then many more that I try to visit on a regular basis. Don’t beat yourself up, we all have to find some kind of balance! 🙂


  11. You have such a nice blog here Vikki and you enthusiasm is … infectious, to say the least. Will be coming around more often 🙂
    Have a nice day !


  12. Why follow or like back at all?
    When I first came across this “follow back” idea, I wondered if I was being selfish by not doing it myself. And then I realised how much I would hate to think someone follows my blog or likes a post because they feel obliged to do so. Or think of it a task to get through…


    • Hi 🙂

      Oh no, I decided very early on that I wouldn’t just follow people because they follow me. I have to be interested in what they have to say, and it needs to be on a subject that I’m interested in. Unfortunately most of the people who follow me have great blogs that I would LOVE to follow back 😦

      Thanks hon 🙂



  13. Vikki I struggle with time anyway and truth be told, at some point you really do have to decide whether you are a blogger or a writer. I had committed to doing daily writing and the blog was the first steps. I enjoyed doing daily posts but it was all taking up a lot of time. I had to get the time back. I remembered my commitment should be to daily writing, not daily blogging. I now aim for three posts a week as I still enjoy the blog and the interaction. The “reading blogs” is also for the most part now sticking with the posting days. This might mean that I miss some posts, but generally I will keep up with most people, just not even single posting. If I don’t do this then I don’t have the proper commitment to my other writings, which in the long term should be more important anyway. My suggestion to you would be to decide what is the most important. Sacrifices have to me made to achieve some goals.


      • It went a bit like this:
        – Weird to begin with as you get used to the daily stats and that sort of thing.
        – Then not cutting down enough on looking at other blogs, as you get kind of addicted to the comments for your own blogs and on others. So not too much time gets saved.
        – Then actually cutting down on reading other blogs until certain days, which for a few days makes you feel out of the loop.
        – Then you get used to it, and so long as you plan something for the time you have i.e. so you use it for writing, it becomes a nice thing. You can concentrate on other projects and still have some time on the blog.

        For me when I thought about it, the priority was to get a novel developed and written, so although it wasn’t an easy choice at the time, it was the obvious and right one.


  14. My partner and I were discussing this very issue yesterday. I read posts through my reader. I’ve seen some bloggers who have over 1,000 followers and one that has over 5,000. You can’t possibly keep up with everybody that follows you even at 270 followers. I think if you reply to comments, you’re on the right track. Your writing is most important. 🙂


  15. I only follow bloggers who make me laugh, smile or cry, so I only follow about ten or so. But I only have six followers that I know of, so you can give some of your followers to me 😉 But well done on reaching the milestone 🙂


  16. Hi Vikki
    I’m conscious that me leaving a comment is just adding to your blogging time, so please don’t feel you have to reply. I just wanted to say sorry to you for not commenting lately. Life has got very busy as I’m trying to finish editing my book, so haven’t been doing much blogging or reading blogs. I should be feeling guilty too, but have decided that as long as I dip in and out of people’s blogs now and again – it’s got to be better than nothing.
    Keep up the great work and don’t feel guilty 🙂


    • Ha ha ha, I LOVE comments Sandra 🙂

      Oh, don’t be silly honey, you’ve been busy. I’ll have a signed copy of that book to make up for it 😉

      Thanks hon, you are so right 🙂 I don’t get all upset or irritated of my followers don’t comment on my blog every single day, so I guess I have to realise it works both ways 🙂



  17. What a balancing act. I try to tip more time to writing/editing my book but if I don’t keep up with reading blogs, like you, I am soon buried. Plus, I have narrowed the number of blogs I follow to the ones who write good “stuff.” Therefore, I don’t want to miss what they have to say~! Argh. It is hard.


  18. This is a problem we all run into! I subscribe to a lot of blogs, but only a select few make it to my daily e-mail notification pile. The rest, I try to get to via the Reader if I have time or need a short break from writing. 🙂


  19. I love your honesty! I have the same struggle too. I need the followers so that agents and publishers take me seriously but I want to spend my time writing. Blog maintenance is VERY time consuming… I rotate – I check my emails for comments etc a couple of times a week only and update my blogs then and do replies if needed. The rest of the time, I write…. Thank you for sharing – it’s most encouraging to know I’m not the only one struggling!


    • Thanks hon 🙂

      It is, I totally agree, VERY time consuming, but, I LOVE IT! Lol….perhaps a little too much 😉

      Yes, there’s a fine line isn’t there. Like you say, agents and publishers want their authors to have a strong online presence, and that takes time, so when exactly do you get to actually write! 😦

      It definitely is all about balance and it sounds like you have a good routine going there hon, well done. Yeah, I just need to be stricter with myself I think 😉



  20. I don’t yet have as many followers as you do, but there is no way to follow everyone, especially if you hope to ever step away from your laptop. Like you, I try to check in, but you can only do so much.


  21. Being a writer is a task in and of itself that requires much time spent on various aspects of writing; coming up with ideas, jotting down those ideas, keeping notes of what’s going on, along with proofreading and editing, to name a few. Time for life — getting away to do things in the physical world — is shortened depending on how much time is spent writing. Reading also comes into play here. You read, even if it’s only what you’ve written; likely, more to enhance your craft, which takes more time.

    I am currently following 41 blogs. (Wow. Really?) I usually skim through the entries that I find in my Reader and pick and choose. Occasionally I’ll dip my toes into a subject that I don’t find too interesting, just to see the opinions of others, or simply to check out the writing style, techniques, and the like. I leave comments and push the much enjoyed ‘Like’ button on occasion, too, to show support for what has been shared.

    Writing is the main action during the whole blogging process. I am a writer first; reader second; blogger it seems, comes in third.


    • Thanks for stopping by hon 🙂

      Ahhhhh, yeah, I’m finding that some areas of my writing are now beginning to suffer 😦

      I do tend to click the like button a lot, because I read the post and want to acknowledge that I did, and that I liked it 🙂

      You are right, blogging SHOULD come third, thank you 🙂



  22. I follow lots of blogs back but am struggling to fit everything in my solution is to follow some people via twitter then when I spot a post I pop on and read a few in one go, same with some blogs I follow I have changed delivery frequency I try to read a few posts when I sit down for a coffee and at least a few each morning an night the rest I have a major reading session on a sunday morning the real problem starts if I miss a couple of days as i did this week I ended up with over 400 emails waiting to be read now down to 150 lol


  23. I’m managing it worse than you, Vikki, so I’m not sure my advice is worth much (probably less than you’re paying for it 8^} ). I’m finding I have to skim over, and skip commenting on, a lot of posts I’d like to spend more time on, but I just don’t have the time.


  24. Pingback: I’m back! « Dancing with Fireflies

  25. Great post! This is a dilemma I have no idea how to solve. So far, for writing I have tended to restrict myself to guest blogs, although I run my own science blog. I guest, and still get about 80 emails a day, so how to answer everybody and actually do anything like writing? You pose a great question – if you ever find the answer, let me know! 🙂


    • Thanks for stopping by Ian 🙂

      I’ve started allocating time slots lol…..so I do all my replying to comments first thing in the morning (whilst sipping my first cup of tea of the day). Then, throughout the day I have short breaks, and that’s 10 minutes to read other blogs or answer e mails etc. Every single day I’m behind now, and I’ll never catch up unless I use a whole day, but what can you do? I’m trying not to feel guilty at being behind lol.

      Good luck hon, and if YOU find the answer, let me know 😉



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