Six Sentence Sunday 9th September

Another little snippet from one of my daily writing prompts 🙂

“Ok, ok, I give in, take the bloody Blur CD’s!”

I hated this part of a breakup, that exhausting moment where things had to be divided up.

“No, I’m sorry, not the stereo.”

I held the phone away from my ear, for fear of permanent damage. Finally, she paused for breath.

“For God’s sake Tara, take the fucking stereo, just take everything!”

photo courtesy of Salvatore Vuono/freedigitalphotos

I haven’t really worked out what’s going on here, but, needless to say, he’ll probably go home to find a completely empty flat lol 😉 Why is Tara so angry?

21 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday 9th September

  1. Maybe, everything belonged to Tara when they moved in together. Perhaps she didn’t think, He, having left her for another woman, should have half of what was, and had always been, hers. Perhaps Tara got dumped for someone younger and has to make a stand. With her self esteem in tatters, the music she loved before she loved him; music that reminds her of happier times, will help her to build a new life. Go for it, Tara!


  2. He does seem to have an assumption that relationships are short-lived.
    If you want a twist in the tail ending, how about Tara is not another lover but his daughter who went to live with him for a short while in her late teens and he is re-enacting the breakup with her mother?


  3. Is this about one of my brothers? (LOL)!
    Maybe Tara is angry because he took someone else to the Blur concert and she found out about it. The Blur CDs and the stereo are his most precious possessions. Tara has always known they are more important to him than she is, but this is going to be an empty victory for her…


  4. I really enjoy how you pack so much emotion into so few sentences! Bad enough that she’s leaving him, but she’s taking his music too? I can’t help but feel bad for your protagonist.


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