Six Sentence Sunday 14th October

I wrote this piece back in April 🙂

“I’m sorry Jan, but it needs to be said.”

“No, please Dave, that’s enough, you’ve made your point.”

Jan looked across the table at her father in law. When she’d first met him, 30 years ago, he’d been tall, strong, a real mans man. But now, sitting at her kitchen table he reminded her of a frightened child, the roles reversed. The shell of the man he once was, living in their house because Dave’s sister couldn’t cope.

Image courtesy of stockimages/freedigitalimages

Poor Jan….the poor father in law….I don’t think Dave has got much patience, do you?

8 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday 14th October

  1. Hi! Glad I came upon your blog. Now following 🙂 Poor Dave. I’ve seen some rugged men change with age. I wonder if its true what they say…if you’re crabby as a young person, you’ll be crabby as an old person. Maybe Dave is depressed that he’s lost his vibe.


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