The To Do List 15th to 21st October

At the time you’re reading this I shall probably be either on my way to Central London, or there already. I will probably leave mega early, because the thought of being late terrifies me! Lol

And if you’re reading this early on Monday morning, and I don’t respond it’s probably because I’m crouched in the corner of my bedroom whimpering 😉

So how did I do last week?

1. Check Nano forums 3 times a day on my days. Yep, done that, I’m keeping up well 🙂 it’s fairly busy, but will get busier….gawd, it’s not even November yet! Lol. Will remove this from the list now, I’ve got notes in my diary lol

2. Finish Mick Jacksons book. Done!

3. Finish at least one if the romance books. I think I opened one if them, but that was it lol. I’ve been reading Natalie Goldberg. What can I say, I’m easily distracted when it comes to lovely shiny book covers lol

4. Continue outlining Sorrento Sunrise, think about timeline. Done, but I’ve kind of given up now. I won’t be touching my notebook again until November. That’s unless I come up with something that needs adding of course 🙂

5. Sort out a donation tin for Nano. Done! Did you see it on FaceBook? No? Ok, here it is 🙂

6. Start new Ideas note book. Done! And I’ve already filled about 10 pages!

7. Make sure I’m all set for Faber *gulp* Done! I think….. I have a gorgeous Moleskine bag, 2 Moleskine notebooks, new pencil case, pens, umbrella and folder to put all the Faber info in 🙂

All I’ll need to add is my purse, phone and diary 🙂

Soooo, now onto this weeks list…….

Yeah, I know, it’s looking pathetic right?

I sat there last night and I thought, and I thought, and I thought…..blank! Lol. I think because I’m nervous about this evening I can’t seem to focus on anything else. So i gave up at point 3 lol

1. Faber homework. Yeah, there will be some, every week apparently. I had an e mail last week saying about critiquing each others work *gulp*

2. Finish reading current book. I’m having a break from reading the Faber tutors stuff. Reading one if the new Mills & Boon Rivas at the moment.

3. Get out winter clothes and boots. Ok, on first glance, not really writing related, but, it is when you have to trudge round the streets of London in the cold and wet. Hence the umbrella mentioned above 😉

So I’m being really easy on myself this week. I haven’t a clue about what is expected of us in the way of homework over the coming weeks….I guess time will tell 😉

I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow 🙂

what are your writing plans this week?

18 thoughts on “The To Do List 15th to 21st October

  1. I’m planning to start planning my NaNo stuff, as well as making sure I know where the pre nano meetup is (I know the area, just not the place). I’m also going to be making the most of my boyfriend being on holiday and going to do some shopping for some winter footwear!


  2. Good luck Vikki, I’ll be thinking of you 🙂 Well done on last week’s list, and this week you’re right to keep it light as you just don’t know what will be expected of you yet. (So exciting.) Can’t wait to hear all about it, Jo x


  3. My week will be taken up writing extra blog posts to cover my hospital stay and hopefully finding some time to work on the ghost stories. I love the new writing outfit have decided am going bag shopping in the january sales 😀


    • Have you got a date now Paula? Scheduling is brilliant for that, I used it for the whole week I was on holiday in the summer 🙂

      He he he, thanks honey. I LOVE my Moleskine bag….it did well last night 🙂

      Good luck with the ghost stories xx


  4. I took a page out of your book and created a weekly list hoping it will help me focus as you seem to do pretty darn good in this category, Must add the winter clothes etc though–mine is out but the summer stuff is not put away yet (hence the mess in the bedroom). I love Natalie Goldberg–If I had a new book of hers that is what I would be doing. Hope last night went well–happy week Oct 15th!


    • Oh go you LouAnn 🙂

      I’m playing catch up so I’ll pop over later and take a look.

      Yeah, I need to put away summer clothes too lol

      She’s brilliant isn’t she! I’m doing a guest post later this week and I managed to find a video of her which should hopefully be in the post I’ve done 🙂

      It went VERY well, thank you 🙂



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