Richard Wrights 52 Project

Want to help writer Richard Wright write 52 stories? Damn I wish I’d thought of this lol

Richards looking for 52 photos, as prompts for 52 stories which he hopes to turn into an anthology. You will receive full credit if he uses your picture.

I sent one to Richard a few days ago, one that I took at Leeds Castle earlier this year, with the intention of using it as a prompt myself.


I can’t wait to see what story he comes up with 🙂

If you’d like to collaborate with Richard on his “The 52” project you’ll find all the info HERE on Richards web site 🙂

I LOVE this idea and just wish I’d thought of it first lol. Have you ever collaborated with another writer on a project before?

15 thoughts on “Richard Wrights 52 Project

  1. Well I see it’s not The Richard Wright lol – yes I’ve collaberated with someone else. A friend did a short story for 52 weeks now she’s a top selling author 😀


  2. This really is an excellent idea. I wonder how easy/difficult it would be to craft stories based on a random sentence? I’ve never collaborated with anyone else on a tory ( maybe they’re too sensible) but always wondered when I see TV programmes scripted by two people exactly how they do it. Do they each have certain characters they write the lines for, do they each send the plot in certain directions in turn or maybe they write chapters in turn. It’s quite a fascinating thoughthaving two people writing a sentence on a piece of paper then passing it along for the next person to write one before passing it back again.I getb the feeling I’m remembering a childhood game here……


  3. This really is an excellent idea. I wonder how easy/difficult it would be to craft stories based on a random sentence? I’ve never collaborated with anyone else on a story ( maybe they’re too sensible) but always wondered when I see TV programmes scripted by two people exactly how they do it. Do they each have certain characters they write the lines for, do they each send the plot in certain directions in turn or maybe they write chapters in turn. It’s quite a fascinating thoughthaving two people writing a sentence on a piece of paper then passing it along for the next person to write one before passing it back again.I getb the feeling I’m remembering a childhood game here……


  4. This really is an excellent idea. I wonder how easy/difficult it would be to craft stories based on a random sentence? I’ve never collaborated with anyone else on a tory ( maybe they’re too sensible) but always wondered when I see TV programmes scripted by two people exactly how they do it. Do they each have certain characters they write the lines for, do they each send the plot in certain directions in turn or maybe they write chapters in turn. It’s quite a fascinating thoughthaving two people writing a sentence on a piece of paper then passing it along for the next person to write one before passing it back again.I getb the feeling I’m remembering a childhood game here……


  5. Pingback: Love photography? Want to collaborate on a story? Join The 52. | Write on the World

  6. Thank you Vikki – and all those who read this and have now sent stuff along. It’s fascinating seeing the world, and stories through other people’s eyes, and the material you’ve sent along so far has been lovely.


Lets chat!