My Writers Block – I Love It!

I’ve found it, I’ve found it!

Ok, I guess I better explain 😉

Do any of you remember my post back in May about Writers Block ? Well, the interesting thing about that post was where Laurie commented about her “writers block” 🙂

I fell in love with this idea, and ever since I’ve had an eye out for something similar.

On my recent trip to Hay on Wye, I walked into a shop and there it was! A large piece of Welsh slate engraved with letters of the alphabet. The artist is Caitriona Cartwright who is a trained stone mason.

So I am now the proud owner of a “writers block” my “writers block” and it now sits with pride of place on my desk 🙂

I chose this particular design because I liked the way the letters looked like they were about to fall off the cube. It reminds me of how my mind feels sometimes lol. I have been picking it up and turning it over and over every time I need to think. It’s already become one of my favourite things 🙂

Is there anything you like to have around you when you write?

The Town of Books

My regular readers will probably be aware by now that I have a book buying habit lol 😉 I’m a bit of an addict *blush* So, recently, when hubby took some time off work, i managed to persuade him to take me to Hay On Wye, aka The Town of Books 🙂

If you click the link above and scroll, you’ll see that there are quite a few book shops lol. During our day there we managed to visit 22 of them!

I had a lovely day, but only bought 5 books! Can you believe it? I must be ill 😉 No, actually, hubby and I made a pact…. NO fiction! We both have huge TBR piles, so I was fine with that.

For your viewing pleasure, a snapshot of my day, including the books I bought 🙂








So if you ever get chance, you must go! Just make sure you make a pact with someone on exactly how many books you’ll be buying 😉

What are you addicted to buying?