I Am A Writer

I’ve been following Jeff Goins excellent blog for a few months now. So when I received an e mail update asking for people to review his new book I jumped at the chance 🙂


I received the eBook a few days ago, and I read the whole thing that same day! WOW! I guess being a fan of Jeffs blog means that it was inevitable that I would love the book. So am I biased? Probably lol 😉 No, seriously, it’s thoroughly enjoyable, with some great advice to us “aspiring” writers. Lots of info on Platform Building, connecting with other writers and what to do before you even get published.

But it was the first part of the book that hit me straight in the face, because it talks about the one thing that plagues me….. The whole idea of calling myself a writer. I’ve talked before on my blog about not being able to bring myself to say that. I feel a fraud, like, if I say, “Hi, my names Vikki and I’m a writer.” someone will jump up and say “No you’re not, you haven’t had anything published.” I even had a brief discussion about it recently with Chris on Write To Perfect (see the comments for an excellent article Chris recommends).

Jeff’s book wagged its finger at me lol….. He asked Steven Pressfield what he meant by “turning pro in your head before you can do it on paper.” (from Pressfield’s book The War of Art). He asked Mr Pressfield “When do you really become a writer? Is it when you get an agent? When you sign your first book contract? When you sell 10,000 copies?”

The response from Mr Pressfield was…… “When you say you are.”

So Jeff started making public declarations of his identity as a writer, and actually started believing it. And because he believed it, he started acting like one. Jeff learnt that before others will believe you’re a writer, you have to believe it yourself 🙂

So is it time for me to submit, surrender to something I’ve been resisting as Jeff says? Ok, I’m going to give this a go…..ready……


Oh, that felt good, uncomfortable, but good lol 🙂

Jeff suggests that I write I Am A Writer everyday….”affirming something deep inside of you that you’ve been resisting.” And hell, have I been resisting!!!!!!

There’s a web site You Are A Writer to accompany the book so I hope you check it out.

So thanks Jeff, for the opportunity to read your book, and the pep talk 😉 I’m going to give it a go….I’ll start with my FaceBook profile *gulp* 🙂

Do you struggle telling people you’re a “writer”?