This Weeks Goals (18th to 24th)

Greetings from Jersey! πŸ™‚

Yep, I’m on holiday *yay* So just imagine me with my feet up, on a sun lounger, cocktail in hand, copy of 50 Shades in the other hand (yep, I’m taking all 3 books with me so that I’m a captive audience lol).

Actually, what is probably closer to the truth is that it’s raining and we’re stuck in our hotel room lol. We’re staying at St Brelade’s Bay, the hotel is right on the beach. So no matter what the weather, I’ll be there, possibly with my brolly, but definitely with my note book πŸ™‚

Photo from

So no writing goals this week *yay* no, sorry, *boo hiss* πŸ˜‰ It will be kind of nice to get away from the WIP for a week, try not to think about it. I will however be taking my prompts book (and still doing a prompt a day) and of course, my note book for free writing πŸ™‚

So the goals for this week are to write something every day, that’s it, keep my toe in so to speak. I should be able to manage that πŸ™‚

Are you going on holiday this year (or you might have been already)? Is a holiday, for you, a complete break from writing or your WIP, or do you take it with you?

Apologies if my replies to comments are sporadic….not sure about Internet access here 😦 Blood will be spilt if I cant get at least a daily fix!

37 thoughts on “This Weeks Goals (18th to 24th)

  1. We’re going on “holiday” for our one year wedding anniversary in September. Not far though, Outer Banks, North Carolina for a week. Not sure if I will take my WIP with me or not. My tentative deadline to finish the first draft is November 1st, so maybe. We’ll see.


  2. Sorry to hear its raining! The day we flew last July it was a lovely bright summer morning – our flight was at 7am, so it was around 5.30am. I wore a fleece jumper as it was a tad nippy. We arrived in Jersey and as my toe stepped off the plane to the Tarmac the rain came down & down and boy did we get wet, soaked. It stopped around 3pm, and the sun came out!

    No Jersey for us this year (sob) we have a trip to Australia in the Autumn if my back holds out & we are hoping do Malta next Spring. I am still posting to my blog about Jersey last October.

    Happy Anniversary, it’s our 18th in July!


  3. We just came back from a few days in Florida and I left my WIP at home. i knew there would be no time to write at all. I find vacations to be the time I get the most ideas for new projects so I bring a small notebook with me to scribble down ideas. During the ten hour drive home I sketched out a new novel while staring at the yellow line in the center of the highway. Vacation, or holiday, is always when I see some of the most outrageous people that I can use for inspiration.
    Have fun in Jersey!


  4. I hope the sun comes out for you, Vikki! I’ve seen St Brelades looking exactly as in the picture countless times, so I expect it will. Give my regards to Rozel (my favourite spot) and enjoy the rest of your holiday.


  5. My writing goes with me. I know it’s sad, but something about writing on vacation really just feels like writing for me. Though last week I wasn’t on vacation — it was actually a business trip. Now I’m back for a week and then I’ll be on vacation — or a staycation, rather.


  6. I read all three 50 Shades books earlier this year. They are perfect for a vacation.

    I’m heading out of town next month, but until then I’ll be relaxing at home (which has its own rewards!).

    Enjoy your holiday!


  7. Enjoy your holiday! I’m thinking of taking a blogcation this summer. Especially for August when I’ll be out of town for three weeks and my grandson will be with us the fourth. so I’ll be too busy to blog or write much.

    Wonder if I will loose my readers. πŸ™‚


  8. I’d love to read a review of ’50 Shades’ before I commit to reading it–although I have a feeling I might have to, just to see what everyone is talking about.
    I definitely take some writing with me everywhere I go. With my luck, the minute I’m without my notebook I will be ambushed by the greatest idea I’ve ever had …
    Have a great break!


    • Thanks Kirsten πŸ™‚

      I’ve read some pretty bad reviews from fellow bloggers which has made me all the more curious about the books. If it really is that bad why is it so successful? Lol

      Oh, totally, I have 2 notebooks with me *snigger*



  9. I just got back from a two-week trip to Scotland and Ireland. Did not take anything with me but my hubby and my camera…and my I-Pad. I haven’t got a WIP, but I did do some travel journaling, which was a lot of fun. Also read all three Fifty Shades over the last few months. Perfect beach/rainy weather reads. Enjoy your time away from it all.


  10. I know you’ve been there for a few days now, but I hope you are having a lovely time.
    I’ve just noticed that you have included me in your blogroll – thank you! πŸ™‚
    I also saw on one of your pages that you weren’t sure why comments had stopped. That happened to me once on a blog post. WordPress told me to go to the discussion box underneath the edit post (or edit page) area and click the drop down arrow. When you get a moment, let me know if it works
    Sandra πŸ™‚


    • Hi Sandra, sorry for the delay in replying, wanted to wait til I could actually give it a go lol πŸ˜‰

      Jersey was lovely, thank you πŸ™‚

      I tried it on my iPad, no go, and now I’ve tried it on the laptop….I can’t see anything that I should click or hover over 😦 the only things under the actual words to edit are Writing Helper and Likes and Shares 😦

      Oh well, thanks anyway honey πŸ™‚



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