Sex and The Writing School – Swanwick The Last Day

What a great start to the morning! At 9.30 we were talking about sex, well Erotica to be exact šŸ˜‰ Della’s class was excellent, and I learnt so much! Now trying to get my head around whether I could actually try writing some *gulp* šŸ˜‰

Was interested to hear that one of the top sellers in the Erotica market are books based on Gay men. Apparently, Gay erotica is read by heterosexual women. Well, I think I may have to do some research now lol

During the break I decided to go for a walk, and I made a new friend lol


After my chat with the cows it was on to my last short story session with Linda Lewis. Linda gave us a tip on a technique which involves not only writing the beginning of a short story, but the end. I’m afraid, even with that tip, I still didn’t manage to come up with an ending for the start of my story I’d written in an earlier class *deep sigh* Why am I so crap at endings?

In the afternoon we attended the AGM and then it was Dregs Party on the lawn. I didn’t have any dregs to bring, but I did manage to grab a glass of white wine and actually change into a dress šŸ™‚

The evening speaker was Helen Lederer who’s talk was entertaining.

She read an extract from her book which was very funny šŸ™‚

I spent the rest of the night in the bar with Jayne, Maddie and Kate putting the writing world to rights until they deserted me to go to the disco *all say awwwwww* No, it was fine really, I wanted to finish packing!

So that was the last day šŸ™‚

I’m so sorry I’m behind with replying to comments and your blogs. It’s been lovely, but I do miss my little online community šŸ™‚

Oh, and thank you to everyone who has followed me on Twitter @vikkithomp I’m still not sure exactly what I should be doing and I don’t even know what a hash tag is! Lol

So if anyone could direct me to a Twitter for dummies type thingy, It would be much appreciated????? šŸ™‚

Going home this morning after breakfast….sad, but happy and inspired…..roll on next year! šŸ™‚

31 thoughts on “Sex and The Writing School – Swanwick The Last Day

  1. I bet you’d do alright if you tried your hand at erotica. It takes a bit of practice to get the hang of it, but I enjoy it a great deal. Also, not surprised that MM erotica is hot now. It has it’s appeal. Sounds like you had a great time. I need to try visiting a writing conference soon.


  2. I see the header “Sex and The Writing School” in my feed, followed by a 23,004 lb cow. I HAD to click.

    That said, the experience sounds like it was absolutely fantastic, and I’m sure it will be something you carry with you for a long time. The fact that you took the time to go means you are going to have a leg-up on so many who haven’t and are unwilling to do the same.



  3. I’ve written one quite graphic sex scene which will never see the light of day. I don’t think it was bad but i don’t feel comfortable with having something so graphic. As for Twitter, I just jumped in head first and watched what everyone else was doing šŸ™‚


  4. Another one here that doesn’t know what a hash tag is for! I have twitter but I still don’t ‘get’ it, lol.
    It’s great to see you had a good time, can’t wait for an erotica taster….. šŸ™‚ xx


  5. Pingback: Pats On The Back | bridgetstraub

  6. You are a very busy woman! I knida, sorta nominated you for another award today but the good news is that you don’t have to do anything but bask in the glory! I’ll go check you out on twitter too.


  7. Twitter is kind of like in the list I am bad at šŸ˜› So heads up to you Ma’m šŸ™‚
    And that is quite a friend that you have :)))))
    Its refreshing to know of your workshops. Lets me know what all I need to do in times to come… Thank you for that.


  8. You had my attention at sex! It sounds like the course was a blast and quite the thrilling adventure!

    I’ve done my share of writing erotica and steamy sex scenes and I have to say, it’s hard! How many ways can you write a scene that’ s been written for hundreds of years that is cliche-free? Good luck with your new writing challenges. I’m sure you’re going to love it.

    Let me know how you find it. Who knows… You could be the next Nora Roberts or Danielle Steele .


  9. Smart idea; putting the word ā€˜Sexā€™ there in front of all of the others. Lure’m in, Vicky.

    ā€˜Awwwww.ā€™ ā€” Glad you had a good time and enjoyed yourself. Though I am quite late making it by to read all about it, I’m able to say that I really enjoyed wandering through the classes with you. It has been a treat.


  10. I wrote an sex scene for my first novel, and got a lot of rather interesting comments about it! But it has put me off of it forever, will stick to hinting at sex rather than describing it in future!


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