The To Do List 19th to 25th November

I’m exhausted! Lol…..what with Nano, Write In’s and Faber, it’s all beginning to take its toll….I’m constantly yawning! πŸ˜‰

So how did I do last week?

1. Edit, the piece for Faber & hand in *gulp* Done! It will be handed out to my fellow students tonight!

2. Keep up with Nano word count – try to get ahead a bit more. Done! Not too bad. As of last night I’m at 40,019 so aiming for another 2000 today. Need to finish by Friday as I’ve got a heavy weekend coming up.

3. Finish current read – Don Delillo Done! gave it 2 stars.

4. Finish Richard Skinners book. Not done, will continue with it this week.

5. Print out and read Faber Guest Tutor stuff – FOR MONDAY! Done!

6. Clear inbox – which means catching up with all your blog posts from the weekend. Kind of done! Got it down to about 20, so if I owe you an e mail I WILL get to it over the next couple of days πŸ™‚

So what’s on my list for this week?


1. Finish Nano by Friday (23rd)

2. upload words to Nano.

3. Print off Sorrento Sunrise and start padding lol.

4. Start new book….an eBook.

5. Continue reading Richard Skinners book.

6. Print off But Not Forgotten and READ IT!

That shouldn’t be too bad should it? πŸ˜‰

So what are you up to this week?

22 thoughts on “The To Do List 19th to 25th November

  1. You have a very full week. I’m tired just from reading what you have to do. Hope you have a chance to take a break somewhere in there. πŸ™‚ I have a few minimal writing related goals : mail a friend a rough draft of my memoir, submit some poems and non-fiction pieces(I’ve got a list), and email an article to the local paper.


    • He he he, I always seem to Sabrina πŸ™‚

      Not sure there will be a break this week, but fingers crossed, there might be a nice one at the weekend, which is why I’m trying to clear the decks lol

      That all sounds rather exciting! Good luck honey xx


  2. What’s Faber? Yes I’ve seen your word count on NaNo, ah that’s why you want to be done by Friday. My word count is up to date and I want to finish my story and hope to make the 50k. I still have unaswered questioins in the piece. That is my main goal and anything else that gets done will be a bonus. I’ve never tried to write a novel before so I feel pretty good about it


    • I’m doing the Write A Novel course with the Faber Academy, part of the publishers Faber & Faber Sue πŸ™‚

      Yeah, I’m up at Faber on Saturday all day, then possibly (fingers crossed) staying in London overnight and going back home Sunday… that’s why I need Nano done by Friday πŸ™‚

      Ooooo, good luck honey! Brilliant! I’m sure you’ll make the 50K πŸ™‚



  3. I’m taking part in a Blog Hop called The Next Big Thing where you answer some questions about your work in progress. Would you be interested in being nominated to take part too? I don’t mind if not. Your weeks always look very full.


  4. You’re doing so well with your To Do lists, Vikki – you put me to shame πŸ™‚ I’m just about to write mine for this week and I have a headache just thinking about it! Well done on NaNo – what’s your new ebook about? xxx


    • Thanks Jo πŸ™‚

      Ooooo, can’t wait to hear how it went at the festival πŸ˜‰

      I’m reading my first ever Steam Punk book (on Kindle) which a fellow blogger wrote. Only 10% through at the moment (I read the first 2 pages in August then got sidetracked) but I’m enjoying it πŸ™‚



  5. I’d love to pound out the last 9K words by Wednesday so I’m at goal. Then I can finish the story at my leisure. Lofty. After that I have a piece I need to edit and resubmit by Saturday (personal deadline) and a short to finish (won’t happen this week, but if I can get 5k words out by next week I’m good). And read through an assortment of books for pleasure. One I’ve been in the middle of for months. Determined to have it read by tomorrow.

    Good luck with your goals this week! πŸ™‚


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