Swanwick Day 4 – #swanwick65

After breakfast this morning we were treated to Michael O’Byrne interviewing Jon Wood, Editorial Director at publishers Orion. He gave us lots of interesting information, but one of the things I was really pleased to hear was that Orion have employed an editor specifically to search out new indie authors who have published via Kindle. They read the extracts and download the books….ooooooo πŸ˜‰

Someone then asked him why they should switch from being self published via e books to signing with Orion if they were approached. His answer…. “A 100 thousand pound cheque!” wouldn’t that be nice?

So today was supposed to be a “chillin” day, and I’d intended to catch up with my blog comments and FaceBook. But when the lovely Rae suggested a shopping spree, I jumped at the chance. We spent a few hours at the local outlet centre where I bought a few bits *coughs* and when we got back there was a nice cup of tea waiting for us courtesy of the Hayes staff πŸ™‚

Then it was off to my meeting with Meg *gulp*

I wasn’t nervous until about 20 minutes before hand, but then my stomach began to churn.

What can I tell you? I can’t really remember what she said myself lol πŸ˜‰ Ok, she doesn’t think I should give up on it and take up crochet, but she did say, and I quote, “it’s going to be a bastard to write!” I laughed and said don’t I know it! She hinted at which version she liked and asked me why i want to write this novel…an interesting question and made me realise that what im actually doing is trying to rewrite my own history with a happy ending. the trouble is, my real story hasn’t ended yet…..

I’m feeling a bit more positive about it now, but I need to think….I’ll share more when I get home as my heads still realing a bit.

Tonight’s speaker is short story writer Zoe Lambert but I’m not attending. I’m going to go and find a quiet corner and do some brainstorming about the novel (I always end up missing 1 of the speakers each year, and usually regret it!).

Later we’ll be watching the plays written by fellow students in Write, Camera, Action. Looking forward to that πŸ™‚

Have you ever asked yourself WHY you’re writing the novel/story?

25 thoughts on “Swanwick Day 4 – #swanwick65

  1. So glad you’re having such a stimulating – if challenging, in some ways – time. All grist to the mill! And yes, I’d say the question of why you’re writing this novel is crucial. But sometimes WHY? We don’t know why for ages. Just keep writing and then figure why. Lindsay


    • Thanks Lindsay πŸ™‚

      I write, because I loved it, but I’d never really considered WHY in reference to THAT story. It’s something I never ask myself when I’m thinking specifically of the story I’m working on. Will definitely be asking myself that question in future πŸ™‚



    • Good for you Sue! πŸ™‚

      I wish I could have come out with some smart arse comment like “because the WORLD needs to hear it!” Or “because women will be able to relate to it!” But neither of those are what I actually said. It made me realise how closely I’m tied up in this novel. Not sure if that’s good or bad lol



  2. I’d say your story already has a happy ending Vikki. Love reading your posts,and shopping is better than FB commenting I reckon. I think you should think about writing a memoir….after those novels of course! xx


    • Ha ha ha, not sure about that Pauline. I’m sure life has far more crap to throw at me over the next few years πŸ˜‰

      Thanks honey, yeah, it was nice to get “out” for a few hours lol



  3. Yep, have asked the question and thankfully have several good answers. I’m writing memoir first and foremost for me. It is also for my daughter and it is for other women, because I hope someone can learn something from many of the things in my life and maybe find something helpful. Even with all of the books on the planet right now, it still feels like sometimes there is too much silence about things that shouldn’t be.


  4. I’m glad Meg told you to keep at it. Just occasionally, during a low period, I’ve wished someone would say my stuff is crap, so I can have a rest. But they don’t say it, so the pain and the joy goes on and on and on. My mother was hinting the other day that maybe my obsession with writing has stopped me achieving something far more worthwhile. Well, I’ve got the bug and she hasn’t, so the journey goes on until I’ve climbed the mountain and put my flag on top.
    Lovely to have friends like you, Vikki, climbing the same mountain, so we can keep encouraging each other. xox


  5. Pingback: Swanwick Day 6 – #Swanwick65 | The View Outside

  6. Pingback: Swanwick Day 5 – #Swanwick65 | The View Outside

  7. Pingback: Swanwick Day 3 – #swanwick65 | The View Outside

  8. Pingback: Swanwick Day 2 – #swanwick65 | The View Outside

  9. Pingback: Swanwick Day 1 #swanwick65 | The View Outside

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