Monday Monday…

…so good to me…

Is it?

I’ve been away for the weekend, had a lovely time, relaxed, slept, ate, drunk wine and cocktails and read. But all too soon it’s back to real life. I guess that’s what makes weekends away so special 🙂


So this was my view at 6.30 yesterday morning whilst I drunk my tea. I had my notebook with me, but I didn’t feel like writing, in fact, I haven’t picked up a pen for days!

Thanks to everyone who commented on my IWSG post. I will find the way that works for me, but at the moment I’m just enjoying enjoying reading again, and the writing? Well, we’ll just see what happens 😉

Today I start the Scrivener course I mentioned recently and I’ve been making my way through the tutorial that comes with the software. I’m really excited about using it for my new project.

So I’m behind with e mails, replying to comments and blog reading (i didn’t even take my iPad away with me) and I’ll be trying to catch up today. As for the rest of the week? Lets just get Monday out of the way eh 😉

What are your plans for the week?

28 thoughts on “Monday Monday…

  1. Lets just get Monday out of the way eh 😉 Are you rushing towards next weekend now Vikki? Maybe you’re having a break then too. There are times we need to recharge. Fair enough, I’ve been recharging for 18 months now and I’m still not sure the batteries aren’t in upside down. You’re right that sometimes it’s better to curl up an read than try to write if the words aren’t there. They’ll come when they’re ready and then it’s back to work for you with vengeance.
    I don’t really know anything about scrivener but as an aid to writers StoryBox 2 was recommended to me recently by another author and it’s supposed to be very easy to use. As my friend is also a writer of instruction manuals, she’s prepared an idiots guide to Storybox 2 for me knowing that I don’t read technospeak. If I ever start writing again I’ll give it a try.
    Have a great week. I hope you catch up. xxx Huge Hugs xxx


    • Thanks David 🙂

      I think, If I’m not careful, I really could fall into the trap of never writing again. Not because I don’t love it, but because it’s so easy to get involved in other things. When I’m reading a lot the writing suffers and when I’m writing a lot the reading suffers…catch 22 lol

      Oh you must give StoryBox a try, so you can report back to us!

      Thanks honey xx


  2. Vikki, your view is lovely and it sounds as if you’ve had a wonderful weekend. Nothing like some wine and curling up with a good book! Please let me know what you find out about Scrivener. I’ve been thinking about getting it myself and other writers have told me they love it.


  3. That looks lovely, Vikki – I’m glad you had a good time. I wouldn’t worry too much about catching up with blogs and scurrying around like a busy little squirrel – it will only undo all the good the relaxing weekend did you! 🙂


  4. Even if you didn’t write, at least it sounds like you had a very relaxing weekend and love your view. Good thing to do every now and then. On my list is to hopefully submit some of my work. I have a list and I’ve been editing a few pieces. Just gotta make sure to get them in before deadlines. Hopefully will continue to faithfully journal as well. It’s been a good outlet for me lately.


  5. You’re such a dynamo, with all your courses 🙂
    My plans for this week are to start reading through my MS in earnest. So far, to my delight, there is very little I want to change and hardly any typos, despite my decision not to read over anything during the first draft but keep moving forward. Either I really have become more accurate, or I’m less observant and my beta readers will swoop on a multitude of mistakes. I came across one contradiction today, where I say a the ground floor of a house has stone floors throughout and then, three pages on, one of the characters is having a tantrum, banging her fists on the wooden kitchen floor. Whoops!


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