Influential Blogger?

Good morning…its a lovely sunny day here in Kent and after a hectic (and often stressful) weekend I’m looking forward to getting back to a routine. Tomorrow i start the 100K challenge and I’ve decided to use it like Nano and write the 4th Novel. 1000 words a day? Piece of cake! Remind me i said that next month lol

I said last year that i would no longer be accepting rewards. I don’t blog, or read blogs as much as i used to, so its hard for me to pass them on. But, i just had to share this one, because i feel so honoured.

The lovely ladies at The Write Romantics have given me a lovely mention. Please go and check it out. If you’re a romance writer you really should be reading their blog 🙂

So this morning I’ve had the fun of choosing a new notebook (you know how good that feels!) for all the notes i’ll be making over the next hundred days. Ive decided to go for my Smythson one…if its good enough for Queenie 😉









Affectionately known as “51” (so that at some stage i can index them all, yeah right!) this will now be my “Presence” bible 🙂

51 notebooks over 3.5 years….is that good or bad? lol…and thats not including the “journals” ha ha ha.

Oooooo, I’m so looking forward to writing the first word on that first page lol…wish me luck!

How many notebooks & journals do you have sitting on your shelves?



Something For The Weekend

Im sorry I’ve not blogged this week…The Hubster had a staycation and we went away for a few days, and now, I’m really struggling to get back into a routine. Will need to be more focused come Tuesday because its the start of the 100K in 100 Days Challenge.  This is where we write 1000 words a day for 100 days. Im really looking forward to it as i need something to give me a push lol

But the real reason I’ve popped in today is…

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Finally… The Solution To Procrastination?

Those of you who have been reading my blog for a while now will know that i often struggle with not writing. Its not writers block, its not got anything to do with being scared of the blank page. As I’m a huge fan of prompts, i can always find something to write about. No, i think my main problem is procrastination. I need someone to tell me “GO WRITE!” and stand over me with a large metal implement lol. But…just recently…things have improved…and heres why…

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Friday Fiction – Caff’s Caff

Dominics photo this week prompted the following scene. At some stage in the future perhaps i can extend it 😉








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Dear Muse…..

Dear Muse,

Please identify yourself!

I don’t think you’re being entirely fair. Ive kept my side of the deal, i write every day (well, ok, nearly), and have done on and off for several years now. Im not sure if i should be thanking you for that or just congratulating myself on my own powers of determination.

I get so jealous when i hear other writers talk about their “muses”. Some are real people who inspire them to write (*thinks*…nope, i don’t have one of those). Others talk about an imaginary entity, fairies, animals or a spiritual being (*thinks*…nope, i don’t see you as that either). Some see their muse as being part of themselves, a part that pushes them on in the right direction with an encouraging, supportive hand (*laughs* yeah, right, theres nothing pushing me on!).

So why are you so elusive?

Ive spent the last 4 years writing…short stories, novels, scenes, characterisations, but no idea, so far, has had that “wow factor”. Nothing has gripped me so tightly that i don’t want to let go of it. Can i say to myself, oh, well, thats because i don’t have a muse? Are all my ideas destined to be boring without your guidance?









So please muse, if you’re reading this i could really do with a helping hand. A flash of inspirational brilliance, just one (I’m not greedy) would be so welcome right now. Something along the lines of Harry Potter, or The Hunger Games would be good. Thats not asking too much is it? 😉

I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.


Vikki x


Do you have a “Muse”? Would love to hear about him/her/it 🙂



How Well Do You Know Your Characters?

Firstly, thanks to everyone who commented on my Fiction Friday post. Im really quite shocked that no one guessed who, or what, was narrating the story. It was…

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Insecure Writers Support Group Day – June 2014

Good morning Insecure Writers 🙂 Its that time of the month again and if you havent got a clue what I’m on about do check out the Insecure Writers web site.








This month i have been feeling very insecure about my writing. I ummed and arred about whether to take a Creative Writing course, and purchased yet more books on the subject.

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Saving The Cat…Or Trying To…Part 2

Take a deep breath guys…this post is a bit rambly (I’m gathering my thoughts) and very link happy lol…click away though, they’re all very useful 🙂

This months Save The Cat homework is to come up with your hero’s goal, which is to be inserted into the log line.

As writers we are told that your main character has to have a goal and that said MC has to achieve that by the end of the novel (or do they?).

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Friday Fiction – The Bench

Is it Friday already? Wow, that week went quick 🙂

Today’s piece of fiction was prompted by this photo…









A big thank you to Dominic de Mattos for allowing me to use it here…

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